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Was reading a post a few days ago about func_rotate and wondered whether it was possible to make a chair rotate at the push of the button. Ideally I would want it to rotate only 90 degrees though, and then return to its original position?? Any ideas?? :jawa

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Nope. You can pause a func_rotated brush at some point in it's movement, but then it must go the rest of the way (in the same direction). Can't change rotation angles in the middle of it in MP, unfortunately. Otherwise we'd have no problem implementing doors that swing out.

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heh, actually it was me who had this question, and i was to lazy to register here :rolleyes:


uhm, see, my original idea was to have a chair, roateing like the emperors throne in ROTJ. hit a button, let the chair turn around, hit another/same button again and turn back again.


obviously you can do this, but is there any other way? I'm pretty new to mapping and have NO idea of triggers and all that stuff aswell :confused: only read rich diesels tutorial so far (which helped alot).


an other idea would be to have a button on the left side to start rotating and one on the other side to stop it. would THAT be possible? *prays*


i gotta do an emperor-throne-like chair!! :(



thx for the help:)

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oh, i get it. the chair would be at the origin again... but:


is it possible to make the chair model invisble?


this is getting really complex now but, see, lets have three chairs.


-one looks at the center of the room. lets call it A

-two (twice the same) looks at another side of the room (180° turned). lets call them B and C


have only ONE chair visible ©

now hit a button, let C become invisble but B visible. B turns now

after quit turning 179°, chair B stops rotateing, goes back to its origin (same as C again) and become invisble again.

now we let chair A become visible.


so we have two chairs that have the right orientation and one chair which is used for switching between the two modes.


it would only works with a quite complex set of triggers i guess (any ideas? :D) and of course only if you can make those enitys invisble


PLEASE, someone tell you can do it like this!




oh, and somebody asked WHY. very easy. because MP is not only mad messing around, there are some organisations with disciplin and civilised members. and i'm trying to do a council room for a clan usable map, and the main chair, the chair of the leader should be rotateable like the emperor's throne in ROTJ! you get my point? :)

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