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My skill tree


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			Commando (63)				Creature Handler (43)
	 __________1*___________		 ______________1________________
	/	/	\	\		/	/		\	\
	2*	2*	2*	2*		2	2*		2*	2*
	3*	3*	3*	3*		3	3*		3*	3*
	4*	4*	4*	4*		4	4*		4*	4*
	5*	5*	5*	5*		5	5*		5*	5*
	\_______\_______/_______/		\_______\______________/_______/
	          6*						6*
   	 _________|________________________   __________________|_______________
	/				   \ /					\
Marksman (27)				Brawler (43)				Scout (24)
__________6____________	 	 __________6____________		 __________6____________
/	/	\	\		/	/	\	\		/	/	\	\
5	5	5	5*		5	5*	5*	5*		5	5	5	5*
4	4	4	4*		4	4*	4*	4*		4	4	4*	4*
3	3*	3*	3*		3	3*	3*	3*		3	3	3*	3*
2*	2*	2*	2*		2	2*	2*	2*		2	2	2*	2*
\_______\_______/_______/		\_______\_______/_______/		\_______\_______/_______/
   1*					   1*					   1*


I've chosen a path I think would benefit my Trandoshan male. It uses 200 kill points, but sadly only masters Commando. I still get to tame/train creatures. I can't master it because I'd leave the combat specific discipline out of the creature handling profession. If my combat skills from Commando carry over to Creature Handler, and I think they may, I'll invest the extra point (I'll grab it from somewhere) to master creature handler.


Anyone else figured out their skill tree yet?


(mine is pending the actual skill tree release, but it will follow this closely)

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I haven't actually gone that in depth, as I too am awaiting the official skill tree release. I plan to raise my Squad Leader as high as I can, with a touch of soldier. The I will build my Politician as high as I can, using points from soldier until it is gone. Hopefully I will be able to master Squad Leader and Politician alike. Who knows though.

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Most of it's through a combination of information and assumption. Check the professions list on the site. Commando is specialized in ranged & melee combat, hence the brawler/marksman combo, and creature handler 'draws from the combat disciplines.' From the scout skill tree, we know it has some creature skills, so I believe I have gotten it right. :)

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I updated all my profession guides with the new skill tree information so have a look if you want to see how it works.


I have the Politician guide up actually, it's only 69 points to get into the profession and 126 to master it so you might be able to master it and still squeeze in a Hybrid profession.


My hopeful profession however, Bounty Hunter, is going to take 189 points to master so I won't be doing much else but those skills. :(

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I could tell you it's a Jedi mind trick but you wouldn't believe that. You really have to keep a good eye on the forums, especially the dev posts, (and very much dev responces to questions, they tend to slip up and let stuff out at those times) if you read all of them closely (and add in a good amount of educated speculation) you can tell a lot. It's basically good ole fashion investigative legwork and like I said a lot of experience with these types of games. Really no super secret knowledge here, just compiled stuff from the forums.

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Originally posted by Aeonan_Ren

I could tell you it's a Jedi mind trick but you wouldn't believe that. You really have to keep a good eye on the forums, especially the dev posts, (and very much dev responces to questions, they tend to slip up and let stuff out at those times) if you read all of them closely (and add in a good amount of educated speculation) you can tell a lot. It's basically good ole fashion investigative legwork and like I said a lot of experience with these types of games. Really no super secret knowledge here, just compiled stuff from the forums.


Will a lot of the different professions have this type of set up? That you know of at least, Ie. Squad Leader, Politician, Soldier?

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Mind you I'm talking the quickest way there but...


All the Hybrid professions will be the same, a Hybrid profession must simply become a specialist in one of the disciplines of their starting profession to open the disciplines of the Hybrid. At that time you can start working on those or go back to those of the starting profession but you will get the title when you take the "Novice" rank (the first rank in the profession).


All elites will be the same except for Bounty Hunter. Elites must Master a starting profession before their profession choice will open. Bounty Hunters on the other hand will have to Master TWO starting professions. Mastering by the way means to specialize in each of the 4 disciplines of a profession.


Jedi, hard to say but, you will probably be able to get it from any starting profession. If you become FS you should start looking for missions (through either NPCs or a booth but probably an NPC) on finding a teacher. Once you get a Master that should open Jedi. I'm guessing Jedi will have 4 disciplines just like everyone else.

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I'd love to read the posts on the main site to find out more about the skill trees, but it annoys the hell out of me weeding through all those blasted "first" posts, and other unrelated drivel :(


lol, I hate the board at the SWG main site, but I do link there every now and then when one of the fine folks at SWG.net puts a link on the main page :) Thank god for SWG,net!



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Originally posted by Aeonan_Ren


All elites will be the same except for Bounty Hunter. Elites must Master a starting profession before their profession choice will open. Bounty Hunters on the other hand will have to Master TWO starting professions. Mastering by the way means to specialize in each of the 4 disciplines of a profession.


I remember Q(I think) saying that BH will need two mastered professions, but never did I see anything about all the other elites taking only one. I'm pretty sure in that post, he only used BH as an example, because that's what most people want to be... I'm sure it isn't the only profession that needs two other mastered professions.

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This is one of those things that you can make an educated guess at. Bounty Hunter is the only of the elite professions that is "different." The others are Farmer, Miner, Politician and Merchant. All of those are non-combat, crafter professions so it is going to take them much longer to gain exp. A bounty Hunter on the other hand is going to be hunting and gaining exp quicker so this is clearly an attempt by them to even the playing field. Also add into that they fact the "mystique" built up around Bounty Hunters, it is obvious that they want to make them very tough but thus also harder to get to. Also, when Raph was explaining the point system he specifically mentioned "Bounty Hunter" in the paragraph below the skill tree with two Masters. It's up to the reader if they want to accept this but I felt confident enough in it to put it in writing.

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