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Breaking the language barrier


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I've been wondering about the language system in this game. I have a friend who plans on being a Wookie, while i plan on being a human. Now I know that we could get a protocol droid to do the talking for us, but that might get old. I heard somewhere that a character can learn new languages, is this true and if so how will it work? Do you go down to the library in down-town theed and pick up "wookie for dummies" or does a cahracter gradually pick it up after being around it for so long. One more thing, if we can learn a new language, its not gonna count towards a profession will it, say...politician or nething like that? Well I hope you can clear this up for me.




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Well since it the same people that made EQ it might work like in EQ. You have some one make a hot key of a sentence and have them press it over and over so they say the same thing over and over. As time goes bye all hearing/seeing the text in their chat window will get points in that language. Its like practice makes perfect kind of thing..then again, I could be way off:)

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I believe that you will actually have to spend skill points in Languages. Also, I believe that each language will have a challenge rating, and the more difficult it is the higher your language rating will need to be to utilize that particular Language. Again, I am not quite certain, and if my head didn't hurt so much I would research it further. Damn you Setsuko, it's all your fault. You know how easily I get caught up in debate. :D Aaaargh, my head!




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Originally posted by Darth_Sidious

I believe that you will actually have to spend skill points in Languages. Also, I believe that each language will have a challenge rating, and the more difficult it is the higher your language rating will need to be to utilize that particular Language. Again, I am not quite certain, and if my head didn't hurt so much I would research it further. Damn you Setsuko, it's all your fault. You know how easily I get caught up in debate. :D Aaaargh, my head!





you bassically copied that from the faq

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