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Playing a CtF game and am I the only one that thinks Kick is a bit over powered? you got your players running around sabers off kicking every one off the ledges or on the floor, they have script's as well, so to beat them on the draw is very very hard to do. backslash to me was never a problem to deal with... Kick to me has destroyed this game. well that and scripting all your moves to. (ok maybe kick has not destroyed the game but scripting it did)


I don't see my self as a great player yet to land kick (without scripting) is not that easy. yet you see players jump from platform to platform land it first time and kick the player of the ledge? that to me is soo gay. plus when you have 3 or 4 players going for the flag but Mr Kick monkey can look after the flag on his own and that leave the rest of his Team to get flags no way of winning them games. I don't mind losing as long as there is a chance of winning, but to be in a game that no mater how good your going to play Mr Scripter that cant play the game unless its a one button move for all moves game going to beat you 95pct of the time.


Sorry for the Rant but some times this game gets to you, and all you want to do is play a fair game and enjoy yourself.

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Well... many of us noticed the second 1.04 came out that the only useful attack is kick.


It is not balanced.


Excessive kicking is boring, but since it is the only viable attack... :(


Go play Promod (shameless plug #514) and you don't have to worry about kicks anymore. :)

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Excessive kicking is boring, but since it is the only viable attack...

aye and I agree, when i posted my above post i was still very angry as only just got of playing.

and i use kick as well BUT i dont just use kick or the other lame trick of grip and kick.

but i think the problem with kick is its very unbalanced if they have it scripted, as from what i can tell they have pull and kick scripted together. and you can only mash them keys so fast by hand, the players that have it scripted going to beat you most times.


Go play Promod (shameless plug #514) and you don't have to worry about kicks anymore.

Well I dont see why i have to go play a Promob becuse other player are to lame to learn the moves. hehehe but going and playing on a gun map can some times take the pain away lol


p.s can anyone else see that kicking from the front should do the kicker more damage than the target... I am sure you should loose a foot or to in the move from the guys saber :p

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(Don't forget that some people are simply damn good at kicking. :) )


Sticking your feet in the face of a jedi holding a lightsaber is ludicrous.

And since you will (auto)block everything that is coming your way while your kick is unblockable by the opponent...yeah...we have a problem. :D


Well I dont see why i have to go play a Promob becuse other player are to lame to learn the moves


I don't think kicking is cool with or without scripts. It shouldn't be the only weapon used when there are friggin' LIGHTSABERS in the game. :mad:


Ps. In promod kicks are 1 tap only (just as in 1.02). A frontal kick never makes you fall but does damage. A sidekick may put you down for a while but does no damage. And since sabers kiiiiiilll people very swiftly, you die if you try kick-whoring. :)

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Kick should give 3 damage, and very little knockback. And you should definately lose your leg if you every tried this on a guy with his saber trained on you.


Then again, I also feel red stance should never have been in the game, as it promotes tedious, "jousting" gameplay, similar to JK1.


I don't think people are going to listen to me on this one.

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i think you should be able to kick poeple from the side or the back, but the front would be damaging for you and not the other guy. also if you did kick someone well, there should be huge knockdown, i think anyway. and i don't think theres anything wrong with strong, i just think the other stances stances should be more damaging

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Originally posted by ryudom

and i don't think theres anything wrong with strong, i just think the other stances stances should be more damaging


That's just part of the problem.


But my real gripe with that stance is that it simply looks hella ugly. It looks nothing like you'd fight in real life (or in the movies, for that matter). Red stance destroys any semblance of suspense of disbelief.

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OMG, here we go again. You guys wanna know who you have to blame for kick being used so much now? YOURSELVES! Why? Cause you all pissed and moaned with each of the previous versions of this game that you got the saber so nerfed that it's pointless to try and sit there and kill someone with just the saber in a full force server. So quit your complaining, you got what you wanted and you're still not happy. Don't like kick? DONT PLAY ON FORCE SERVERS! It's that simple. Stop crying about the gameplay when it's your fault's it's like this way.

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Originally posted by FK|FallenOne

Stop crying about the gameplay when it's your fault's it's like this way.


With all due respect to the 1.02 players, I hardly think you can blame them for the changes.


Me myself never got around to playing 1.02 online before it was too late. I never had a say in the changes. I did want backstab gone though, and I still prefer 1.04 over 1.03 any day.


As I recall it, people asked for changes. Raven gave them bad changes.


What's done's done. If you don't like kick, go play on the no force servers, as already said.

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

aye and I agree, when i posted my above post i was still very angry as only just got of playing.

and i use kick as well BUT i dont just use kick or the other lame trick of grip and kick.

but i think the problem with kick is its very unbalanced if they have it scripted, as from what i can tell they have pull and kick scripted together. and you can only mash them keys so fast by hand, the players that have it scripted going to beat you most times.



Well I dont see why i have to go play a Promob becuse other player are to lame to learn the moves. hehehe but going and playing on a gun map can some times take the pain away lol


I'm not going to flame you dude but I really am going to try to help you understand what is going on.


The "kick whores" that you are so convinced have every single move and combo scripted are the people who simply make the best of what is available to them.

You can swing a slow saber that will be blocked.

I can kick you and land a guaranteed 20-25 damage hit almost instantly.


Guns, sabers, kicking whatever.

The more you practice something the better you get.


Now you say "Well I dont see why i have to go play a Promob becuse other player are to lame to learn the moves."


Can you do a pull-kick-pull-yellow DFA combo?

Can you do a pull-throw-kick-blue lunge combo?

Can you do a grip-kick-side kick-kick-pull-kick combo?



I doubt it.

People have to learn and master these combos just like no Force duelers have to learn "mouse 1, left, left, forward".

(That was not a cheap shot at NF people if you took it that way.)



I understand that when you step into a game with people who have mastered these things it can be very frustrating.

Just like the way people were always being ripped off their feet and back stabbed in 1.03.

If you don't take the time to learn how to defend yourself, you can complain all you like but nothing will change.

The better/smarter players will always adapt to what is thrown at them.

And those players will continue to frustrate those who are more interested in complaining than learning.

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I only kick... and I do it all the time, and have it quite automated. Every fkin time some kid gets pissed and starts swearing and yapping (it IS a GAME you know kid?) and start using hte oh so offfensive neo insults such as noob and scripter.... I's rather be called real insults like goat raper, mother****er, asshat, you know the good stuff but hey, it seems n00b and LAMAR are as dirty as kids nowadays get.


Fallen one is right... the only reason kick is overpowered is because what you have in your hand in 1.04 is a glowstick. I am invincible in the kick animation, I do 20-25 damage which skips the shields which all of you alllways run for while I pull kick you to death. When the saber was deadly anyone trying to kick you to death would have been killed... now my feet are the best weapon in the galaxy. Thank god that the possibilities of having a new patch are zero to nil so we don't have to worry about kick giving health in version 1.05 and not damaging anymore.


As Luc pointed out, if you go play promod, you wil see how useless kick is when the saber becomes deadly... well, not useless, but definitely not a spam worthy move. When I play baseJK I know I will be playing "kick the glowstick carrier" if I want to play JKII where it doesn't take 3 hours to kill someone with a light sber that is supposed to cut through metal like a hot knife through butter, I play promod. :D (shameless plug 516)



cool post UJ

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Can you do a pull-kick-pull-yellow DFA combo?

Can you do a pull-throw-kick-blue lunge combo?

Can you do a grip-kick-side kick-kick-pull-kick combo?

I can do the first 2 but the 3ed.



Just like the way people were always being ripped off their feet and back stabbed in 1.03.

Was not a problem for me as i could do the move very well.. but i was thankful for when they got rid of it in 1.04 as the game got very lame.


ok the best way to turn this topic round would be for me to ask. what do you use to counter attack the kick?

I find the best way is to try move to the side a little and try help them over a edge with push/pull.


Second i dont know if you class it as cheating but i see a lot in CtF games people killing them self to spawn quicker... how do you do this? as in CtF games it quite good.. the only problem i have seen with it is in TFFA where they use it to get a massive - score on the other team.



You guys wanna know who you have to blame for kick being used so much now? YOURSELVES! Why? Cause you all pissed and moaned with each of the previous versions of this game


I did start off by blaming kick but kick is not the real problem, but more of the scripts, as they can get them move off quicker than the human hand can, i was tempted to just conform and do it my self, but then i think i would ruin the game for me, so i will just live with it and see what others use to counter attack it.


Thanks all for your input as it has been some help :)

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I only kick... and I do it all the time, and have it quite automated. Every fkin time some kid gets pissed and starts swearing and yapping (it IS a GAME you know kid?) and start using hte oh so offfensive neo insults such as noob and scripter.... I's rather be called real insults like goat raper, mother****er, asshat, you know the good stuff but hey, it seems n00b and LAMAR are as dirty as kids nowadays get.


Fallen one is right... the only reason kick is overpowered is because what you have in your hand in 1.04 is a glowstick. I am invincible in the kick animation, I do 20-25 damage which skips the shields which all of you alllways run for while I pull kick you to death. When the saber was deadly anyone trying to kick you to death would have been killed... now my feet are the best weapon in the galaxy. Thank god that the possibilities of having a new patch are zero to nil so we don't have to worry about kick giving health in version 1.05 and not damaging anymore.


As Luc pointed out, if you go play promod, you wil see how useless kick is when the saber becomes deadly... well, not useless, but definitely not a spam worthy move. When I play baseJK I know I will be playing "kick the glowstick carrier" if I want to play JKII where it doesn't take 3 hours to kill someone with a light sber that is supposed to cut through metal like a hot knife through butter, I play promod. (shameless plug 516)


To me that is half the problem to be effective in the game you are realy limited to one move kick? but I must admit its funny when the ones that walk around with sabre off and kicking people as it looks sooo cool.. just throw your saber at them they soon turn it on.

kick the glowstick carrier
that is the truth I was in a CtF game and had about 2 players hacking at me and my shields and life was lets say not going down very fast, the only one you have to look out for is DFA or lunge


Btw ksk h2o I think I was playing against you last night? you got upset when I gave you a kiss :p

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Originally posted by Tosh_UK

Second i dont know if you class it as cheating but i see a lot in CtF games people killing them self to spawn quicker... how do you do this? as in CtF games it quite good.. the only problem i have seen with it is in TFFA where they use it to get a massive - score on the other team.


\bind J kill

How to suicide in CTF ^

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the combos that UJ pointed out are basically what the game boild down to. pull, throw, kick, yellow dfa, grip, drain combinations. normal saber slashes are just about useless now.


Since I lack the interest to develop the combo's that UJ pointed out and would rather play mods which seriously increase the saber damage, in order to render it useful. I stick to saber down kicking in basejk... fun... no... that;s why I only play ctf in base jk as the other gametypes are really frustrating for me (oh I'm not much of a gun lover in JKII... q3 and CS are more of my tase for gunning)


hehe... I don't thinik that was me you were playing last night... although emotes do piss me off, I wouldn't stop playing the game to voice my negative opinions on them.... I usually play with no name and rarely chat... just kick and kick and kick and get the flag and kick and kick and score and defend the flag by kicking some more... hehe

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drain I see this used a lot now.. more than grip to try keep the flag carrier from getting absorb on.


and also last night noticed the kick in the air that was being used.

that must be hard to line up with some one midair!


and I also find my self in the fire line in game as I like to use grip, but you get a lot of flames for using it!!


the worse one was on a TFFA game with guns and I was using grip to kill them... then that was followed by a lot of smack talk for using force!! well I joined the game as it was TFFA with weapons and force... and why did they join a game that has force in it if they do not like it???


ummm ok I am going off topic on me own post lol I shut up now


btw way smack talk don't bother me as its a compliment in some ways, its just some comments are a bit lame lol.

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