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"Let a group of THREE infiltrate the most well-defended space station in the galaxy"


Yep. They really suck. Luckily, though, that Tarkin was such a quick thinker, and had vader toss the homing beacon onto the hull of the Falcon after it had 'escaped.'




And it really wasn't a group of three. Obi-Wan? Chewbacca?

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The advantage of Stormtrooper armour is that if you get shot you won't necessarily die. Sure you might be rendered unconcious or get seriously bruised and incapacitated for the rest of the fight, but you're a lot better off than if you weren't wearing the armour.


The Cheat: You're right, they don't say "Ewok" in the movie at all, but it is in the end credits, proving George Lucas doesn't have another name in mind for them...

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Excuse my off-topic reply, but I just tryed your Star Wars Trivia, and that quiz is just about impossible. No normal person could get a perfect score without playing the video and starting and stopping it. I thought I was a Star Wars expert until I tried that quiz and then found myself banging my head on my desk!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey I just took the quiz and feel most confident about my answers. How do I tell what percentage I got right?



Here are a few other questions (no cheating!!):


*What are the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field.

a. 10 to 1

b. approximately 5280 to 1

c. approximately 3,720 to 1

d. "Never tell me the odds!"


*Who shuts off C-3PO in the Falcon?

a. Leia

b. Luke

c. Chewie

d. Artoo


*What is the name of the song played by the Bith cantina band in Mos Eisley?

a. Makin Wookie

b. Mad About Me.

c. Cantina Band

d. Star Wars Cantina


*What 3 words muttered by an Ewok can be easily understood in ROTJ?

a. "Star Wars Rules!"

b. "That Guy's Wise"

c. "He is flying!"

d. "I Love Lucas"


*What model of vehicle is a "snowspeeder?"

a. Incom T-16

b. Incom T-47

c. YT-1300

d. THX 1138


*What animal's skeleton did the two droids walk past? in the Dune Sea on Tatooine?

a. Bantha

b. Sarlacc

c. Krayt Dragon

d. Rancor


*In what movie(s) can we see R2-D2 walking up or down stairs? (There may be more than one correct answer.)

a. TPM


c. ANH

d. ESB



*Which of the following was not an astromech device on R2-D2:

a. welder

b. holoprojector

c. cutting saw

d. grappling hook


*What substance is mined on Bespin?

a. Dilithium

b. Tibanna gas

c. Diamonds

d. oil


*What dangles above the entrance to the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon?

a. keys

b. a pair of dice

c. a medal

d. nothing


*How many TIE fighters pursued the Falcon after leaving the Death Star?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4


*How many people does Darth Vader choke in the movies so far?

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

e. five

f. six or more


*How many people does Luke choke?

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

e. five

f. six or more


*How many people does Leia choke?

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

e. five

f. six or more


*How many people does Chewbacca choke?

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

e. five

f. six or more


I suppose that is long enough. Enjoy

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