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So what happens if i make a door or something like that out of water? will other sides than the top display funnily or is it just impossible to do?? I was just wondering, 'cos a new map im making has this "moses at th red sea" effect, where the huge mass of water (func_door with water texture) splits and you can get to the other side.

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you can do that, but I don't know if the water will work.


Do this. Compile the map with fastvis nolight, and test out watershader on door...not sure if it works, but give it shot.


The only thing you will see is the edge of the water, which will have no texture. The junk.txt will notify you that more than one fog brush is visible, that's fine. But the only thing is you will be able to see where that seam is in the water.

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Since water is nothing more than a fog brush with some special properties, I doubt that "splitting" them will be an option, as one usually must use non-solid caulk or nodraw on the area where two water brushes meet. This would create some... interesting effects.


My bet is that if the water doors do move, then you're going to get some pretty heavy HOM.

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Not at all, you don't need to caulk the edges of any fog brush, really. I've put water brushes in my map that were in the middle of nowhere and even stacked one on top of the other, and even DEFORMED them into trapezoids and they still work.


As for doors, that's the only thing I'm not sure of.

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"Testing, the mother of all knowledge" How did the cavemen know blueberries were not poisonous and the weird red mushroom with the white spots was? (Can't remember the correct name for that 'shroom :D)... They didn't, they just tested 'em and checked what happened.. :)

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Originally posted by -Chrono_MOT-

Not at all, you don't need to caulk the edges of any fog brush, really. I've put water brushes in my map that were in the middle of nowhere and even stacked one on top of the other, and even DEFORMED them into trapezoids and they still work.


As for doors, that's the only thing I'm not sure of.


I believe I did say usually, not always. My bet for the doors still stands, though.

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And Aru-Wen loses the bet.


Wedge was right, I am messing with a similar idea. First, what I did :


I set up a waterbrush as a func_door that would lower. I set it to start in the open position. Then I targeted it with a trigger_multiple just like I would any other door. Understand, I also had ANOTHER door in front of it with a glass brush so I could see into the cube.


THe idea here was to simulate a bacta tank closing (the outer door) filling with bacta (the waterbrush door) and then reverse the process. Instant working bacta tank.


And now the results (and Aru - I want spoils from you bet!)


When you actually stand in the place the water brush will be (I used bespin/water2 for this) you WILL get the "glass-eye" underwater effect. But until you are in the brush itself, you dont have to worry about air. Now, when seen through the glass window, ,you don't get the blue fog that you normally would see, but you DO see the top of the brush (the "surface") rising up in it. NO HOM at all. Not even a FPS hog. Keep in mind this was a small brush and area though... it may be an FPS hog on the scale we're talking here.


For this "Red Sea" Idea... should work, , but understand it wont cut off your view of under-water areas like it would normally. You wont get any of the blue haze when you swim through it normally.


Any question, ,let me know.

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