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Well, I imagine you feel that way primarily because XvT sucked. BoP made it somewhat kinda OK. XWA was a fine game, but X-Wing and TIE Fighter were two of the best games EVAR. And you know when I spell "ever" with an "a" that I'm really serious. I suggest having some good content for those games. Maybe some utilities - pilot editors, that kind of thing. Some missions would be OK. Maybe some walkthroughs. Something like that. I wish there were still people who played those games so we could have some good discussion on them.

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It's possible to play Tie Fighters with a 3d card?


I remember having the equivalent for DOOM but still, the original version is always better, especially when it's a great classic.


You're souls are all corrupted with "fancy" graphics, it's so sad. :disaprove

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

I wish there were still people who played those games so we could have some good discussion on them.


Hate to tell you this, but the Emperor's Hammer has over 1,000 active pilots that fly TIE Fighter each week. We also have nearly 2,000 custom made missions just for TIE. Another 1,000 is split evenly between XWA and XvT.

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Originally posted by RogueWing

Hate to tell you this, but the Emperor's Hammer has over 1,000 active pilots that fly TIE Fighter each week. We also have nearly 2,000 custom made missions just for TIE. Another 1,000 is split evenly between XWA and XvT.


Yes, I know of Emperor's Hammer. I was talking about people who post on these boards. Every time I try to start up a discussion, it pretty much dies :(

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Originally posted by Keyan Farlander

Yes, I know of Emperor's Hammer. I was talking about people who post on these boards.


Dude, there's ME !!!


TIE Fighter is so good that XWA highly dissapointed me and I didn't even bothered finished the training.

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Originally posted by Jem

Dude, there's ME !!!


TIE Fighter is so good that XWA highly dissapointed me and I didn't even bothered finished the training.


I think XWA had its good points. It was a good game, and I play it through once in a while. Still no TIE Fighter, though, that's true. I just started playing X-Wing through again last night. Got the X-Wing and Y-Wing flight badges. Didn't miss a single gate in the Maze :cool: Now I'm off to pass A-Wing training.

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You know, I was planning on going through all the fuss of installing Win98 SE only so that I could finish my TIE Fighter game I paused on 6 month ago (also my DOOM game, only 2 levels left!!!). I didn't play anymore since then because I had to move here and when I finally had my new computer it was on XP (98 forever!). I havn't installed 98SE yet because of my lazyness and university work but I promised myself to do it before the end of next week.


I was in the middle of chasing that traitor Harkov. I just love doing thos secret objectives for the Cloaked Figure.

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Well personally I have nothing against them, But if I had to salute someone who really deserve their rank just makes me sick. I served 5 and a half years in the US Military so that may just be me looking at it that way. I used to be in Omega Squadron on CIS and right now im apart of Imperialstarfleet (kind of inactive though :( > But see I look at it this way im not in competition against any of the squadrons if you look on my personal website http://www.darklordsofsith.com you will see that EH is listed. But that's not them Im just trying to at least revive a few games I liked maybe reaching a common bond with the squadrons among others to try and bring these great games out of their retirement off of ppl's CD racks.


If anyone does know how to get TF or XW to run in XP email me at invader@darklordsofsith.com Also give suggestions of what you would like to see on xwa.net

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I havn't tried Sim City 4 yet, maybe I should

*Flashbacks of Sim City for Snes.*


But good graphics doesn't necessarily mean bad gameplay, I'm just saying that most of the time it does. Because it seems that:


Gameplay < Graphics


the way I see it is:


Gameplay > Graphics



This is true especially for Lucas Arts adventure games.


An other example is that I am pretty sure that DOOM 3 will be cool but will not deliver me as much fun as I had and currently have on DOOM or DOOM 2. Something that makes me say this is that the in-game music of those two title rocked and are forever implanted in my brain and I can't imagine DOOM 3 with that type of music, it doesn't seem to fit and that's an important thing that the game will be missing.


That's just personal opinion though.

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