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CHAT tonight with Devs


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February 2003 Dev Chat Announced

The seventh Developer Chat will occur on Thursday, February 6th at 6 pm (PST). This chat will focus on beta testing and the game's initial release, and it will be held in the SWG chat room.


This is on the sony site. The dev's will be there, I'll be there chatting too, attempting to have a few Jedi based questions answered, and to put in my two bits about PA dependancy I see forming in the game. Stop by tonight 6pm EST to see the chat.

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Originally posted by Shailoh

February 2003 Dev Chat Announced

The seventh Developer Chat will occur on Thursday, February 6th at 6 pm (PST). This chat will focus on beta testing and the game's initial release, and it will be held in the SWG chat room.


This is on the sony site. The dev's will be there, I'll be there chatting too, attempting to have a few Jedi based questions answered, and to put in my two bits about PA dependancy I see forming in the game. Stop by tonight 6pm EST to see the chat.

yeah i would have loved to be there... only its 3 in the morning for me... no way man :D


now are any of you gonna be there asking?

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Originally posted by Thew Rydur

I'm planning on asking a question or two, I only caught the tail end of the last one. Anyone whos not going to go want me to ask questions for them?

well thanks for the offer thew... Greg has my question... and if D_S actually is there... dont get offended by the question.. im just curious :D:p
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If I'm not alive by then... (yes, I have been awfully ill this week)... some details on the plans on the european release would be fine. What countries, at what months, and what european servers there'll be. Yes, I know I can order it from the states, but it is nice to have the customer support etc of a native release.

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I didn't even realize my typo, thanks for correcting that so people weren't sitting in there 3 hours lookin for the Devs :)


Well I was there last night, and posted the same question like 50,000 times and was completely ignored. While the person who filtered the questions, and just asked completely STUPID things that have already been answered or was really no new information.


Q: So will droids have changable color and configuration?

A: Of course dumb ass, but let me explain it in slightly more detail so as to waste another five minutes, before moving onto the next worthless question.


I hope the moderator or person picking questions at the next one has a better flare for putting questions through that haven't been asked and answered 5 times over.

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I must agree, a lot of those questions were pretty bad. I thought we had a nice grouping of good questions, but only the one got through apparently. I posted about five different questions, all of which I thought were extremely good and relevant. Anyway.....I'm just bitter.....


One PA and one city per character. :(

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