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I got the space if you got the place - Calling all potential JO map reviewers.


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I have noticed over the time since JO has been released, there really has not been an effective review site in the way there were for JK. I recently had a clan leave my webspace at http://www.planetirg.net, and am looking to host something new there.


That said, I want to host a JO level review site. Now here is the twist - What I am looking for are accomplished mappers who can give me examples of their work to review for the site. Why? Well for instance, in some places where you are allowed to comment on a level, most people give a level a higher rating than they should, and no one pushes level makers to make better, less boxy levels. With a review site with fair reviews, this could inspire better maps in the JO community, and renew interest.


So, if anyone who is a mapper and is interested in being a reviewer for planetirg.net, email me with the names of previous levels you have done (to be located either at jediknightii.net or http://www.massassi.net) at irg777@hotmail.com .


Just a note, if not enough people respond, I will scrap the idea. IF that occurs, I will notify the few who submitted their work.


Joren DarkStar

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I'm interested in reviewing maps for your site, but not so keen on submitting my work just yet. If the idea takes off, I will submit, but if not, I'd prefer that I keep my work to myself.


I will however, provide screenshots if I can do that instead of submitting my map(s).

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Well, I figured we would have different teams of reviewers, if people were interested - so we'd have some reviewers who specialize in Duel Maps, some Single Player, Some FFA, and some CTF. That would ultimately be up to the staff themselves once they are assembled.


What we might also do is seek out levels, and review them at our leisure, so each one gets viewed by each reviewer, leading to several different reviews of the same body of work - this would allow not just one side to be seen on the map.


So, if we did that, you might see something like this:




Map Name___Reviewer1____Reviewer2______etc


Bespin Fun-------8/10--------------6/10--------------etc

Another Temple-7/10--------------*/10--------------etc



And so on....


Thats the idea anyway. The */10 means the reviewer hasn't reviewed the map yet. Not all the reviewers have to rate the map at the same time. Essentially, one is picked, and first one who wants to do it reviews it, and lists where it was found (since we will not be hosting any of the levels on our site). Then the others can pitch in their reviews when they feel like it.


Its essentially left up to the reviewer's discression. And no mapper would be able to rate their own work.


Again, a final method would be decided on the staff themselves.


If I can get 10-12 people who are dedicated to doing this, then I will go live.



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Originally posted by JorenDarkStar

Map Name___Reviewer1____Reviewer2______etc


Bespin Fun-------8/10--------------6/10--------------etc

Another Temple-7/10--------------*/10--------------etc


Hmmm, when I hear "review," I think a written summary of impressions. Would each reviewer be submitting a paragraph or so of their thought process? That might be cumbersome with 10-12 people all reviewing one map.

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Originally posted by Kengo

Some people like Aru may not have released anything but are extremely skilled mappers - a look at a few screenshots of his WIP's shows that straight out (jealous smilie)


I actually did release something, Kengo. Just under my old Lucasforums name of JEDI_Anakin_S. It was a clan map for my old clan, JEDI (go figure). You can download it and see screenshots of it here.


I agree with Wedge, though. Twelve people reviewing one map would be tedious. Best to limit it to 2 reviewers, 3 max.

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Originally posted by Aru-Wen

I actually did release something, Kengo. Just under my old Lucasforums name of JEDI_Anakin_S. It was a clan map for my old clan, JEDI (go figure). You can download it and see screenshots of it here.


Woaa, sorry man :o


I knew you two were one and the same person...just my bad memory :(

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Originally posted by Emon

Just like to let you know that The Admiral's Command Chamber is a great place for DF, JK, MotS and JO level reviews for SP. People just have to submit work...


Yeh it is a really brilliant site :)


But I think we could do with a few more map review sites for jk2 as well, the only ones I know of are TACC and the also excellent Hangar16 http://www.hangar16.com/Sideline/JK2-reviews.htm (for all Q3 SP games). Are there any others? Also both only deal with SP maps.

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Ok guys, I got a very preliminary site up with Forums. In terms of Who is aboard right now, after review, I am formally asking Kengo and Aru-Wen. Leslie and Wedge, you might be in for future consideration, but you need just a tad more work on the archi skills (mainly in the area of curved architecture) before I can ask you aboard.


Back to Kengo and Aru-Wen, we already have a 3rd person, Sithlord, joining us, and possibly (I need to ask him) Ghostbear_74, the maker of the IRG Coruscant Map Pack.


This puts us at halfway there to where we need to be. Maybe we can get JediknightII.net to post an ad and a link to here so we can get more responses.



That said, everyone is welcome to the prelim site - http://www.planetirg.net . Forums are at http://www.planetirg.net/forums , or just click "Community Forums" on the main site. Everything else links back to the main site, and I want some reviewer insight on the further layout of the site.




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Originally posted by JorenDarkStar

archi skills (mainly in the area of curved architecture)


*sudden gasp* what? huh? after all the *%&$ I went through to make the Green Temple in Cota and that beautiful boat at the docks?


Nah, 'sokay, you made the site, you can pick the guys. :)


Leslie - WOO! Looks awesome! Pretty darned good for "early," if you ask me.

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Originally posted by JorenDarkStar

Ok guys, I got a very preliminary site up with Forums. In terms of Who is aboard right now, after review, I am formally asking Kengo and Aru-Wen. Leslie and Wedge, you might be in for future consideration, but you need just a tad more work on the archi skills (mainly in the area of curved architecture) before I can ask you aboard.


I accept your offer - just let me know what I need to do next.


And as a side note, I wholeheartedly recommend both Leslie and Wedge as reviewers... in my opinion, neither of them need any more experience in dealing with curved architecture - one look at Leslie's latest screenshots will show you that (they look AMAZING, by the way, Leslie). I think to not ask them aboard would be a shame, but as Wedge said, it is your site.

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Great Screenshots Leslie... Yer in. :D



And if Wedge can pull something out like that, he's in too. ;) As it is, Wedge is someone I will be keeping an eye on, and if he can bump it up a notch more, I will be more than happy to welcome him to the team...



For now, those of you accepted, I need for you to go to http://www.planetirg.net and click on Community Forums, and sign up.

From there, we will be discussing a common focus, and a direction we want to go with the site.

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Eh, okay. Just so you know, my released maps are Mars and City of the Ancients. I've got a WIP going slowly but surely, and some new ideas on the drawing board, all of which are detailed here...although if y0u're looking for "curved architecture..." hmmm, not exactly sure what you want to see.


Out of curiosity, do you have any maps/works in progress?


(PS, I guess I'm only human and just have some innate desire to prove myself...:p)

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