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Starting cities.

Deft Aklin

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Where will you start? Here is the official list of cities to start. I will be starting in Coronet, Corellia.


2.33 Where will my character start?


Our list of starting locations may grow over the life of the product. For initial release, your character will begin their online journey at any one of the following locations:


Bestine, Tatooine

Mos Eisley, Tatooine

Mos Espa, Tatooine

Mos Entha, Tatooine

Theed, Naboo

Kadaara, Naboo

Keren, Naboo

Moenia, Naboo

Tyrena, Corellia

Bela Vistal, Corellia

Vreni Island, Corellia

Coronet, Corellia

Narmle, Rori

Restuss, Rori

Dearic, Talus

Nashal, Talus

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Originally posted by Thrackan Solo

why cant you start on Dathomir

well i think it is best explained with some random info on dathomir:

Unnoficial encyclopedia:


a planet where the outcasts from the Old Republic were sent to die, it is the home of the Rancor, and home to a group of Force-sensitive witches who use spells to control The Force. It is located in the Quelii system, where Zsinj has established a prison colony and a new shipyard. The planet's gravity is somewhat lighter than standard. It is full of the Dark Side of The Force, moreso than Dagobah. Han 'won' the planet from Omogg in a sabacc game; its value is somewhere around three billion credits. It has 3 continents in a vast ocean. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Dathomir fell to the alien invaders shortly before the Battle of Ithor.



Great Desert of Dathomir

this is the largest area of desert land found on the planet Dathomir. It is the homeland of the Blue Desert People,and measures about 80 kilometers across.



Witches of Dathomir

nine clans of Force-sensitive women who use spells to control The Force. They have adapted the rancor for use as mounts.


Star Wars galxies info:

System: Dathomir System

Terrain: Canyons, forests, jagged mountain peaks


Key Locations: Imperial prison, witch villages, rancor habitats, mountain passes




Dathomir is a low-gravity world located in the Quelii sector. The planet is inhabited by the Witches of Dathomir, a group of Force-sensitive women who ride fearsome rancors. These "witches" live in different clans that include a group of darksiders calling itself the Nightsisters. The 'Singing Mountain Clan' and the 'Nightsisters' are at odds with one another - and with visitors who fail to show the proper respect. Visitors can align themselves with either side and benefit from trade with these powerful indigenous creatures.


Dathomir can only be accessed by special charter transports operated by skilled pilots. Its terrain is highly dangerous. Besides rancors, the witches are a constant threat on Dathomir.


Dathomir has not appeared in any of the films, but is an important part of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. It appears in such books as The Courtship of Princess Leia, Darksaber, Star by Star, and Children of the Jedi. Additional information on the planet can be found in reference sources including The Star Wars Encyclopedia. The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons, and LucasArts Entertainment's Behind the Magic. Infinity's End, a story-arc within Dark Horse's ongoing Star Wars comic book series also takes place on Dathomir.



I hope that gives you some insight:


-Wraith 8-

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I think i'll start on Talus or Rori. I'll keep out of the limelight while every1 is on Tatooine or Yavin 4, etc. And then i'll come and visit the big cities with the funny lights and no tractors or pitchforks or witch burnings (Dathomir, any1), and laugh at your modern ways, then i will return to my mudhut and eat insects for eons to come.


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