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Clemme w/Stick

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Im Gay and im not ashamed of it..i said it in my last post


Funclown this is to u..and any other negative person on this forum dont be affened at all...


But do u think that all gay men are camp talking acting dress wearing poofs....


If so then come and meet me and my mates gay bi and straight we all are black belt medium or heavy weight kick boxers, we weight train every other day for 3 hours and kick box alternative days.


none of us are camp if u walked past any of us in the street u would know that a three of us are gay out of the group of seven.


im not having a go at anyone. every one has there own thoughts on this debate. im never goin to meet any of you so i dont ave to start righting all the wrongs, which i wouldnt do anyway cos im all for free speach, and ppl ave there views but i HATE Negative views on every thing not just this subject.


NEVER bring the bible in to any discussion like this cos there always a negative vibe. Im not a religous person i have no reason to be a god believeing person, so all the negative engergy goin around is yours only not mine.

Other ppls who dont worry about little things like who is sleeping with who, ave a much better view on things.


cheers for listening XTS

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OMG please don't say "str8" anymore! It's driving me nuts! :D :D :D


*phew* now that I got that off my chest..


I totally agree with XTS about the negativity. I hate the fact that people seem to feel obligated to condemn others, bitch about their values and treat everyone who disagrees with them like sub-humans.


IIRC Jesus let the harlot join his party. He did not spit in her face and scream "U sick bitch you will burn in HELL you sinful whore DIE!"



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what gay would be ashamed of it? It's not like being ashamed of what you look like, cuz you decide to be gay. So who would assume that a gay would be ashamed of it, so why would you need to specify that your not ashamed of it.


yes I know... pointless babling. :rolleyes:





So, God created STD's as a punishment for our sinful loving and living?


God must be more perverse than I had thought him to be.



How do you get "God must be perverse" out of his punishing us for sin?

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Originally posted by Mandolorian54

what gay would be ashamed of it? It's not like being ashamed of what you look like, cuz you decide to be gay.


oh, you decide to be gay. Right-o. Just as you decide to be born with a gene deficiency that makes itself evident in your teenage years. And you likely also decide to get turned on by rubber boots and furry women, right?


How do you get "God must be perverse" out of his punishing us for sin?


By the very definition, God chooses to punish. Now, we, the unenlightened, don't have the slightest idea that God exists. We have no way to connect the natural disasters with God, especially not considering we, in our heathen ignorance, attribute such disasters to purely natural causes. Which means God is merely toying with us, since he knows that we'll never in the slightest start worshipping him because we won't have the slightest idea that it's He that's causing it due to us sinning.


This can be compared to children playing with ants. It's all their enjoyment, no matter how much they aid the little ant community, because those ants are never going to have a flippin' idea about who's doing it, and why.


So you see, God in essence, is perverse. He could easily have chosen another course of action to convince us that we're sinning, but oh no, he has to melt us with lava even though he knows we'll probably just think it's magma pressure from the bowels of the earth that's erupting.


Either God is ignorant on converting us, or he's perverse.


God, by definition, is lmitless. Words, by definition, are limiters: by defining what something IS, you put it in a box and by implication define what it is NOT. Therefore, anything I say about God will be wrong, or at least limiting.


Further, as a limitless being, God can, at any moment, define any and everything: right can be wrong, up can be down, good can be evil, one plus one can equal "hippopatamus", a promise made is kept by breaking it, and so on ad infinitum until the next moment, in which any and everything can be redefined.


With the above two points in mind, what can one say about the nature of God? Nothing, really. God may arbitrarily tell me to go get a gun and start shooting people from a belltower, or torture small children, or rape sheep, or whatever. And if it was God telling me to do these things, then by definition it would be the right thing to do (unless God defined that anything He said was the wrong thing to do.)


What then, can you do? Again, you can do nothing. This is why living by faith is so scary: you truly don't know what God is going to demand of you. Sure, you can look to people like Mother Terresa and see that God can call people to do acts of great kindness and charity. But you can't go the next step and think that he will ONLY ask people to do nice things. Because the moment you make that assumtion, you are putting your belief of what you want God to be over what He truly is. This is arrogance, and a sin. (Unless God has redefined the definition of sin.)


My third point is that for me, any attempt to commune with God is doomed to failure: it is an act that I do out of my own selfish desires for peace and security. Thus, I can never hope to succeed.

Any time I try to do the Lord's Work, what I'm really doing is my arrogant assumption as to what I THINK God wants me to do, rather than paying attention to what He really does want for my life (if there is anything at all).


Therefore, the only thing it seems I can really do is to say "Here I am Lord. A sinner, utterly and completely at your mercy. Do with me as You will." And even THAT is a selfish act, but I cannot help but act selfishly, and hope beyond hope that God will have mercy on me. (The fact that people claim that He said He would have mercy if I but ask in no way helps me out - if I start believing that he will have mercy, then I start putting my understanding of what I think God will do over what He really will do, which is again arrogance.)


And even if God does grant me a state of Grace (ie, the state in which God takes my life and makes it clean and holy), I will immedately fall out of it when I start acting of my own volition: all my actions are selfish because they spring from my own desire to do, rather than in submitting my own will to that of God's. (The desire for submission is, of course, is in and of itself a selfish desire.)


So the only thing that keeps me in a state of Grace is God's will: nothing I do can keep me there. (Ineed, anything I do will in fact cause me to fall from Grace.) However, in that state His will may act through me, doing any number of horrible and vile actions. Or they may be beautiful and wonderous. Or I may simply sit there, doing nothing. I simply don't know, and to try and predict would once again be arrogance. - Kevin Michael Shultz.


This is not something I want you to read. I just provided it if someone decided to check up on the logical fallacy of God, and had the time. Which I'm sure you don't.

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