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im just wondering if you dont have the money to buy a house then where are you suposed to sleep?

could you buy a tent and camp in the city, not in the steets but in an open area or out in the wilderness?

probibly if you could the tent would be less safe, cheaper, and you wouldn't b able to own as much as you want.

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You won't need a tent to sleep in, since you don't really sleep in the game. Your considered sleeping when you're not logged on. Houses are just for storing equipment and other things. You will be able to set up campsites in the wilderness for healing etc., I think a tent might be included in that.

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Originally posted by Thew Rydur

You save your characters status at a cloning facility, so when you die, you wake up in a clone. As far as just saving though, you don't.

Actually, I think it's been stated that you can save elsewhere, but at a large cost.

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There is indeed a tent, if the skills planned will make it into the final cut. The scout can learn the 'encampment' or something skill, that will make a progressively larger camp, the higher the skill. This camp will keep wild animals away while you rest and recover, however, since you will not have to sleep or eat or such (though you get temporal bonuses for eating certain food items).

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