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Orc War


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This is an RPG war against orcs (see? it says so on the subject). I am Ceth the Halfling. I am in the kings army. Anyone else who wants to help is also in the kings army. The only weird thing is that... you might not want to hear this but... we all got lightsabers (thats funny :) )! I told ya it was weird. Anyone who helps can be: Dragon, Orc, Dwarf, Troll, Elf, Halfling, or Human. You weild either... axes, swords, knives, crossbows, bows, firebreath, maces, morning stars, spears, or lightsabers. Only Dragons can use firebreath. You are advancing towards the orcs. What will you do next?:x-wing:

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"whait don't run! I have a plan... we could build a woulden rabit, and then ... "


Arthor:"Oh shut up!!!"


Dark Knight: You shall not run! you must first get through me!



Sir Robin: wait, I know why don't you come with us and help us defeat the orcs?........Ahhhhhh!!!!*gets launched off the cliff*

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I will. A long time ago in a land far, far away...






First of all, choose your weapon.


Mine is a yellow double edged lightsaber.


Second of all,we're off to a meeting of how to deal with...







Now, whose going off to ORC WARS first? This, :atat: this,

:x-wing: or this::slsaber:

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I'll be taking a yellow :saberg:



King: My knights you must take up arms and head to the wastlands to defeat the Orcs. Many of you will not return. May the best of luck be with you.


Knight: We will gain victory for you my lord!


*when the war council was over all the knights rouded up thier troops and prepared to head to war*


Alugus: you know this is suicide.


Taskar: This may be a silly crusade to you, but we will die for honor if we must. For our king.


Alugus: I wish I could be as optimistic as you.


*As the knights gathered and prepared to depart, the walls of the kingdom were suddenly bombarded by rocks from catapults.*


guard on lookout tower: ORCS!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

((RPG revival with a the mummy refrence :D )

*the elves and other creatures who use bows stand at the top of the fortress, suddenly the officer in charge, a human turns and

bolts to a closet, locking himself in*

Soldier (to the man known for now as jokemaster):congratulations, you just got promoted

Jokemaster: not in the way i'd like, you're not gonna run out on me too are you? *to archers* HOLD YOUR POSITIONS

*archers hold, waiting for the orcs to get in range,*

Soldier: don't worry... *sees all the orcs and bolts after the officer* WAIT FOR ME

Jokemaster: HOLD.... FIRE

*all the archers fire at the same time and re-load and fire again*

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*A dragon spreads his wings on the highest tower. His skin is a pure gold, with a red streak down his back. He looks down and sees the advancing orc army*


Draconis: Hmmm. Orc. A bit bony, but my digestion's doing well at the moment. Specially with grilled food...

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Commander: Aim for the dragon's eyes!

*They all aim for the dragon, ready to fire at command.*

Commander: ready....

*They ready to fire at his eyes*

Commander: aim...

Veloceth: May I point out that we already have done these things, sir.

Commander: Fine then. FIRE!

*All missed completely but one, single archer, who shot an arrow straight through the dragons pupil.*

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((Weapons: Blue double-edged lightsaber and one heavily sharpened axe.))


A mysterious Dark Knight in shining armor falls from the cliff of a nearby mountain, lands on his feet, and unholsters a huge axe, cutting off Orc heads as he charges full speed into a mob of fearsome and evil creatures.

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[My character is an Elvish warrior, who remains nameless. Yes, I'm a lazy SOB. My weapon is a magical crossbow that resembles an M-249 SAW, and fires a lot of small bolts in quick succession]


While the main force of Orcs is making a head-on attack against the fortress walls, I take a small group of Elvish archers and Human knights through the tunnels under the mountain and out of the secret entrance, on the enemy flank.


Me: There's the enemy army, my soldiers.


I lay down on the ground and open fire on the Orcs with my magic crossbow :fire2:


Me: Archers open fire!!!!!!!!


The archers loose their arrows and cause chaos among the Orcs. Then we notice a band of Orcs attacking from our flank. I stand and open up on this new threat while my knights charge with their broadswords.


I kill about 50 Orcs with this fire, but then I notice a black knight bearing down on me with his red lightsaber. He is much taller than everyone else, about 10 feet. I fire my last 50 bolts at him, but some magical energy absorbs all of them. He destroys my bow with his lightsaber, but I pull out my knife and throw it into his hand, causing electricity to surge through his body. He falls to the ground and turns into a charred mound of ash.

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Draconis: Foolish halfling...


*Draconis moves toward the mages gathered round in a circle, summoning a demon. They fire on him with spells, but dragons have a natural resistance. Draconis breathes fires, but the archmages are protected against it*


What do you know? Smart orcs....

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