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just some questons


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Ok, you probably won't know some of these, but what the heck.

1. Is there a single player mode, or is it online only?

2. Will there be 3rd party mods? (this is why i play games)

3. I heard you can "join the army" in the game, what sort of stuff can you do? AT-ST pilot? biker scout? or just a be a regular stormy?

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1) online only, and you can't set up servers. Only official servers.


2) no third party mods. This is not half-life.


3) haha, funny enough, neither of your suggestions! :D However, you'll be able to get ranks by performing missions (quests), and ranks gives you the right to place turrets and defences, order troopers, and even vehicles (thus far, the AT-ST is the biggest, but they promised to give a try at the AT-ST). And, of course, you can join battles and give the other side a bashing!

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Ha, right. I've only played half-life once onlineand I hated it. I played jedi outcast online and after getting kicked out of 20 games in 5 mins because of my slightly high ping (and i thought the bigger number, the better) i've grown a strong dis-liking to online games. Maybe I'll wait awhile after it comes out and buy it when the price goes down. Don't want to pay too much for a game that preforms terrible on my PC, but still have it for when i get faster internet. Also, what do you mean by "official" servers? Does this mean its going to cost money to play even after you buy the game, like some other *cough* *cough* online RPGs? Hell, I though RPG stood for "Rocket propelled grenade". Guess not. Oh well, thanks for clearning that stuff up, though i was sort of hoping for speeder bikes. I guess it's come down from "I'm getting this game when I comes out!" to "um, I'll get it whenever".

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I've got a dialup 56k, I only pay $90 a year, thats like what, $8 a month? anyway, i searched through a faq at the swgalaxies.net site and it said a 56k w/ 1.0 Gig , 256 megs of ram, and a geforce 3 should run fine. I'll probably still buy the game, even if it is a rip off. Freaking, its starwars, right? I still don't get why there's no single player, though. Wouldn't it be the exact same as multiplayer, just without other human players? Maybe that'll make a good expansion pack for us cheap bas***rds.

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Originally posted by slurpy_commando

I still don't get why there's no single player, though. Wouldn't it be the exact same as multiplayer, just without other human players? Maybe that'll make a good expansion pack for us cheap bas***rds.


Eh, no, it's not the same. Basically, the most fun stuff in mmorpgs is the other players. Without them, it would be pretty useless.

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