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Lets start a bar Fight!!!

Darth Zaius

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*Two Sith engage Homer*


Hmm...two of you at once...this is hardly fair...


*Homer ignites his saber and engages the two sith*




*Each blow is easily parried by Homer*


I grow tired of you two...wanna see how a TRUE Sith fights?


*Homer force speeds & chops one of the Sith into three pieces. The second Sith stops*


COME ON!! Don't tell me you're SCARED!!


*The Second Sith attacks with all of his might, Homer is obviously toying with him*


Parry, parry, thrust, thrust, goood!


*The Sith fights for all he is worth, but is no match for Homer*


Oh well, I've had my fun...oh, what's that behind you?


*The Sith turns around in time to get impaled by Corran. Homer spins and sends the Sith's head flying.*


Well, then...that was entertaining...

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Starts screaming, "Time to kick some *** !" in Chinese just for the heck of it


Comes back as the great Jedi Yoda (or a clone or him, anyways).


Giggles in funny Yoda voice. hee-hee-hee-haw


Dangit you boys took out all the Sith! Now what do I...OMG look! Imperial Walkers!! Aiee!!

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*sees the Walkers* Whoa...those are...pathetic! *throws a huge bolt of lightning from the Soul Reaver into one of the walkers cockpits, annihilating all within*

*proceeds to use his over-zealous telekenesis to throw the walker into another one, destroying them both*

HAHAHA!! Foolish opposers to the chaos! YOU FALL BEFORE ME AND THE REST!!!

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*Sits down on the only not broken bar stool their is there*

*one of the walkers fires off a shot and it skins the side of my face*

"Ok who did that"

*looks at walker that did it that did it*


*Charges at him blocking all the shots he fires*

*When i get close enough i force push him and still charging Jump up into the air Then land on him and stab him in the head*

"Ha pitiful Walkers"

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*looks at another walker advancing*Damn man...how many of these fools are there?

*runs underneath it and climbs up the legs into the interior*

*sees all kindsa troops awaiting deployment* Oh ****...maybe I'd better warn everyone...

*the troops see Mydnight* Thats...not...right...

*Stormtrooper Cpt* SET BLASTERS FOR KILL!!!


*MydnightPsion is fighting off Troops inside the walker for 2 posts*


just for record, the soul reaver is the sword in my avatar

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*Death sees a huge white energy blast come from the side of the walker*

*Mydnight jumps out with blast marks and other battle damage*


*half-limps back into the Cantina as the walker explodes*

Sorry for the not letting you destroy it Death...

*sits on the floor and waits*

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:yoda: or at least a clone.....


*starts screaming bloody murder, yoda-ersque


*cuts the legs out from under two walkers, then jumps sboard another and takes out all the troops and crew from the inside.


*gets bored, so decides instead to fight the next ones with no lightsaber.....

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*Myd's ears perk up and he jumps to his feet*

That noise...STAR DESTROYERS!!!

*dives from the turbolaser that hits were he was standing*


*sees Darth Slayne hit Homer* WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!?

Darth : I'm uh...Darth Slayne!

Myd : You fool! Do something useful!

Darth : Such as?

Myd : ...save Zaius the effort...

Darth : Beg your pardon?

*Mydnight uses his telekenesis to throw Darth Slayne through the window of the main deck of the Star Destroyer* NOTHING PERSONAL!!!


*Darth Slayne begins fighting for his life for the next 15 posts or until someone blows up that Star Destroyer, which continues to rain death upon the Cantina

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*kills self*


*inhabits the body of a star destroyer crewman and begins tearing the ship aprt from the inside. Eventually plants several bombs on the main reactor. Boinga1 now has 10 posts to escape the star destroyer before it blows.

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*sense boinga onboard the StarDestroyer and contacts him mentally* boinga, whats your situation?

boinga - Um, this thing is gonna blow in a few...

Myd - I see...*uses his telekenesis to try and hold the StarDestroyer steady*...dun know how long I can keep this up, boinga! Get outta there! *Stormtroopers storm the Cantina again* Sonofa...LIL HELP!!!

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* is halfway to the hangar bays when he is attacked by stormtroopers and held up


*******it this thing is gonna blow in 8 ****ing posts and you *******s have to hold me up


*defeats all the stormtrooper. Suddenly those messed up Reborn from JO attack and fall from the ceiling, stupid style.


**** it there's too many of them....I gotta find another way out.....


*gets an inspiration.....heads back to the bridge at top speed.


7 posts until detonation

c'mon guys, keep the countdownn rolling....

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*Homer jumps between the troopers and Psion*


You better get him out of there quick, Psion!!


*Homer force pushes the troopers back out the door, quickly drops two turrets just out side, and takes up a defensive stance in front of the Cantina*


YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!! oops...wrong trilogy


*Troopers attack, but are held at bay*

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*focuses harder and rips out the bottom half of the Star Destroyer*

*Contacts boinga*Head downward...its all ripped open...

*falls over from over doing it and the Star Destroyer starts getting turbulence*


*Mydnight is exhausted for 4 posts*

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*Reaches the bridge


Oh boy I've always wanted to say this.... Beam us down, Scotty! Scotty? Scotty? He-hello? Oh holy ****** wrong star....


Hears over the intercom 5 posts until detonation


**** it!


*Gets another inspiration....wait...my avatar (the flying one, of course)! Oh no....I've got to fix it! It's busted....


Boinga1 is fixing the Delorean for 2 posts


4 posts until detonation


Oh man....

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*not a post counting toward destruction or whatever*


Hey boinga, shouldn't the turbulence make it like a 3 post thing? It'd be more suspensful...hehehe...that and you could always dive out the blown out window in the front of the bridge...

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*Corran taps the comlink on his lapel*


"Boinga, help is inbound. I'm coming up in my starship."


*Corran hustles to the docking bays and reaches his ship, the Shadowseeker. He blasts off (without launch clearance, of course) and makes for open space.*


"Boinga, try to use the Delorean to get to somewhere where you can safely get into space. Then I can pick you up."


*Corran breaks out of the atmosphere and sees the Star Destroyer. It rotates so that its underside faces Corran, and a full squadron of TIE interceptors boil out of its hangar.*


"Uh-oh... anyone want me to teleport them up here to give me a hand?"


*Without waiting for responses, he engages the TIEs*


*A computerised voice sounds throughout the Star Destroyer*


Three posts until detonation

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*No longer protecting Psion, Homer has engaged the troopers head on*




*Homer is moving through the troopers so fast that they cannot get an accurate shot off (and these are stormies we're talking about). The troopers are hitting each other more often than not.*




*Homer suddenly stops, staring at the mass of troopers. The Troopers are paralyzed with fear of what is to come.*


You fail to realize you have lost...there is no possible way for you to win against a foe of my strength...


*Homer grips his double-lightsaber & twists it. Suprisingly, the saber effortlessly comes apart into two seperate sabers*


And now that strength has been amplified a thousand fold!! You shall all perish at my hands, for I am DEATH!


*Homer tosses one saber out and charges the rest of the troopers the opposite way. The tossed saber arcs through many troopers and lands back in Homer's waiting hand, all without Homer stopping his attack.*


Homer is decimating the Trooper force for 3 posts


a metallic voice transmits the following:


Two posts untill detonation...

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Floors the car and heads out to open space, coasting away in vacuum, gaining speed in momentum (shuts off time traveling).


Calculates: destruction of Star Dsetroyer will cause an explosion of 3 Km. I am 1 km. Away. Hence, must speed up to 2km/posts, or about...200 mph.




*uses the Delorean to travel 5 minutes back in time. He then goes 4 km away from Star Destroyer, then goes back to the time from whence he came.


1 post until detonation

Realizing his doom, the Star Destroyer captain activates self-destruct. This will create a blast of 5 kilometers.


Self-destruct activated


Boinga1 won now races away from the ship, flying through the force alone to dodge superheated chunks of debris.


Thinks, "This thing wasn't really built for this kind of stress...."

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*Still driving the walker around shooting at other walkers

I all of a sudden fly up and hit the roof*

*I turn my head trying to see whats happening then i see a sith with a double saber standing there*

Death "Who are you"

Sith "I am Darth Maul and i am gere to kill you hahahaha"

*Then i use my force powers to bring my self to the ground and draw my saber*

*Darth maul Goes for a head shop and i block it with the middle of my saber witch snaps in half*

* Now i have two Single Bladed ones*

I will be fighting him off for 5 turns

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*since Zaius is so hypnotized by the fireworks, he fails to realize the weakened Sith sneak up behind him*

*the Sith raises his saber for a beheading strike*

*Mydnight jumps from out of the shadows and bites into the Siths neck while impaling him with the Soul Reaver*

*drains the poor Sith of his life's blood and his soul*

I feel better...*whipes mouth*...so, what kind of odds will we be facing now?:D

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