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Cabin fever


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I don't know about you guys but i'm about to go postal like anakin in AOTC with the sand people:saberb: :craider: Its been snowing here in Ohio for ever it seems like with no end in sight. School has been cancelled so far this week and there is more snow on the way and if the weather plays out how it looks like it will i'll be couped up in this house till spring, or maybe next week, which ever comes first lol. I've been dying in anticipation for SWG for about 2 months and now i'm so bored here since i can't go and do anything, i've been reduced to checkeing these message boards more times a day then a mentally healthy person should :explode: lol. Anyway i think i'm done with all that rambling. What are everyones plans for the game? Are you going to go to your respective PA's and start there or will you and soem friends go and explore new world and see what they have to offer. A friend and I are goin to go out to Tatooine and spend some time there and see what trouble we can get into and then go about differnt planets exploring new places and learning as much as we can while our characters become their best in their respective fields. My character is going to be a human male and have pistoleer/ranger professions along with maybe squad leader and part politician....this is just speculation at the time it could all change. Last month i wanted to be a doctor but decided that i might chose a more exciting role that might let me play an important role in a PA if i decide to join one, or if i were to join the empire or the rebellion, right now there are a lot of things up in the air. Well there i went rambling again, either way, it would be interesting to hear what you plans and hopes are for the game or even what your doing do keep from going mental like i feel? Write back please, this board has been kinda down it seems, to me atleast.



*runs back to his corner with his favorite blanket* :angel:



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Let's see. First off, I will join the Empire and climb the ranks. I will most likely be forced to take a marksman to eventually become a squad leader. How unfortunate. Since my PA may be disbanding soon, who knows exactly how this is going to play out. Maybe I'll just create a new PA based on....well, I can't very well share that info now can I? ;P


Anyway, currently I am a little put off by the game. I have lost a little of my steam due to several rules, which now follow:


1) You may get an extra character slot on the server for your Jedi, but why can't I just make my current character a Jedi. Seems logical given most Jedi in this timeline are found later in life, right?


2) Only one PA per player. This is just dumb. What about espionage and coverts. Kind of kills the fun of it really. The Rebels had spies right?


3) Elimination of most of the good starting Professions. Admittingly it makes sense, I just don't like it. Why no soldier? It would have made sense to start as a soldier and work my way to Squad Leader, Imperial Officer and then perhaps a politician.


I will still play the game, and probably love it to death anyway, but I think they have cut some very cool stuff out in order to speed it's way to shelves. I can only hope that it won't be a disappointment. Needless to say, I am very negative today and will probably not care about such things tomorrow. Anyway, the ranting, rambling, pontificating and elaboration can only get worse from here, so I will part on that note.

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1) You may get an extra character slot on the server for your Jedi, but why can't I just make my current character a Jedi. Seems logical given most Jedi in this timeline are found later in life, right?

You like dieing? :) Permanently? :D

Didn't think so. ;)

2) Only one PA per player. This is just dumb. What about espionage and coverts. Kind of kills the fun of it really. The Rebels had spies right?

You can still be a spy of you want. Just join the PA you want to spy on. :) Simple as that.

3) Elimination of most of the good starting Professions. Admittingly it makes sense, I just don't like it. Why no soldier? It would have made sense to start as a soldier and work my way to Squad Leader, Imperial Officer and then perhaps a politician.

Not many start as a soldier in real life either in the military. You have to train for that in boot camp.

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What Darklord said was this:


Before, when people thought that you could be in more than 1 PA at once, people were planning to join 1 for real and join another in order to spy on it.


For example, a rebel-aligned PA has a member. This member decides that, in addition to the rebel PA, he will join an imperial-aligned PA, only he will be joining it in order to spy on his enemies and will really be working for the rebel PA after all.


I don't think making it so you can only be in 1 PA is a bad idea. After all, all you have to do is leave the PA that you're really working for and join the one you're spying on. You can just use e-mail to inform your "real" PA of the events that you're spying on. Also, your real PA will tell its members not to kill you if they see you, because you're really working for them.

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my plan is to wonder around by myself for a while. I'm really excited to see what other people are doing and make some friends in the city that I hang out in.


At first I want to learn some kind of battle skill so that I can feel comfortable joining people on missions things like that, but soon after I have become reasonably dangerous, I am going to focus on blaster crafting.


I would like to begin designing blasters and try to make a name for myself by producing some of the best guns available for bounty hunters, marksmen.... anyone who needs one.


I've heard the Dev's say that you can mark your products as your own. Does that mean that you can somehow scratch or brand a logo or something into your products? I'm a graphic designer, so that would be super appealing to me... :)


Also, while I'm thinking of it: If you choose to be a bounty hunter or something, are you going to scour the universe for amazing player-crafted weapons? I imagine that having a great arsenal of precise weapons will be a definately MUST for any aggressive profession.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

You like dieing? :) Permanently? :D

Didn't think so. ;)


Well, actually, yes, I would prefer perma-death. That's just the way I am though. The game already has precautions allowing you to prevent combat if you desire, why give you infinite lives making it seem as if cloning is commonplace? Of course many might noit see it my way and that's fine, but in my opinion you build a story with your character, if that character dies then that is the end of the story. Besides, say someone has information on me that I would prefer to hide. Now, say I kill him before he can share that information. He should be dead, cloning will only take him back to the last time he was scanned or whatever. It wouldn't recreate those newly attained memories. You know as well as I that most will assume that they still know the info. That's just bad RP. But of course, he would probably just make a new character and loose the information anyway. Just plain sucks really.

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The game already has precautions allowing you to prevent combat if you desire, ....

preventing you from randomly attacking other players without concent from your opposer, yes. Not from the NPCs, creatures, and other animals. :) For those you are fair game if you disturb them. ;)

Well, actually, yes, I would prefer perma-death.

Well, wether you like it or not, most people didn't by the game to build up their character over months, or even years, and then have it die because of an accident. They'll quit for sure if that happened. ;)

Besides, say someone has information on me that I would prefer to hide. Now, say I kill him before he can share that information. He should be dead, cloning will only take him back to the last time he was scanned or whatever. It wouldn't recreate those newly attained memories. You know as well as I that most will assume that they still know the info. That's just bad RP.

I agree fullheartidly. :)

If your dead before you save, your memories before that should also be dead. Tough thing to do sometimes if it is vital information though. :(

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I'm not really sure what I am going to do when the game begins. I am thinking of starting as a scout, tho. Also, I have this strange urge to try out farming...


In the mean-time I am spending a lot of time reading the StarWars novels, watching all the movies, playing the StarWars games that I have, and even going thru the StarWars Encyclopedia...and of course checking out the various SWG sites.


Got StarWars on the brain! heh.

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Jan, I fully understand the pros and cons of perma-death, I just still prefer it.


1)Accidental death: Didn't your mother teach you not to stand so close to the friggin edge? ;)


2)NPC caused death: Well what were you poking the womp rats with a stick for anyway dippy. ;)


I fully understand where your coming from, I just think it would be more interesting if people were more careful with their characters. Combat becomes a rare sight, people focus on the RP more than the PVP crap. Now a true hero will stand out, even if he doesn't live long. :D I should hope that people wouldn't quit because of this, just see it as a learning experience and move on. I guess we'll never know though. Don't get me wrong Jan, I would never take this up with the devs, even if they'd actually listen. That would just be a waste of time. I can see why they did it, perhaps the devs just aren't as focused on the RP as I though.

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I have to agree with Darth Sidious on this one, atleast somewhat. I don't fully agree with permadeath but there should definatly be a steep price for dieing. Skill points? Money? Weapons? other belongings? I'm not sure but i have seen other games where when you die there is almost no consequence for dieing and it is taken too lightly, i love the RPG part of games it really lets you get into the game and create the feeling of, in this case "the star wars universe", i personally don't want to walk down the steets of theed and hear some people talkin about britney spears or something like that. And as far as the PVP goes...yea its a big part of the game but too often people play the game soely for that reason, there are serves that have been designated for the PVP, if i'm not mistaken. I hope that people will realize this and find the right server for them.

I really like the idea of building you character and building a story around him and hearing about other peoples stories, that makes the game worth while, it gives it that sense or realism. I hope to be able to sit down in a cantina on tatooine and listen to other peoples stories and talk of the ongoin rebellion and what the empire is doing, i want to hear what other people have to say and hear of their adventures or even just about a new ship or a city, a race, a PA...ect, you all get the idea. I will be severly dissapointed if i see a lot of noobs walking around shooting up the place for no reason and totaly out of the star wars theme....i know this is impossible but i hope that it is kept in check, this game has tremendous potential and i pray that it lives up to every ounce of it.





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Use your imagination, you can still RP with a clone...

Imagine a guy in the middle of the city firing at random shouting "this is not me, this is a clone! I´m not a person! I´m a freak"

And again, you like permadeath?

Just delete your char after you die! ;)

And again, I will try to be the best doctor around! ^^

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