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The Republic army


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Is bioware going to go on the theme again where human soldiers are indelibly superior to droids?

Maybe a small theme in this game is that the droids were meant to replace soldiers, obviously for nutrition and endurance purposes. However will this backfire in the game os this one of the minor reasons soldiers become sith troopers, because the republic forceing them out for cheaper(droids)warriors?

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when both Jedi and Sith number in the thousands. With the Galaxy reeling from a recent conflict with the Dark Lords, the ongoing battle between the Jedi and the Sith rages on.


What i get from this is the Jedi are the soldiers of the republic and the sithtroopers are the Sith's minioins.


What i read was when the Jedis Revan and Malak left for war they recruited lots of jedi to fight for them. When they returned from war The jedi were twisted and had turned to the darkside and the War fleet that they controlled had also been seduced by the darkside. after that im sure many jedi had given into the lure of the darkside with the promise of great power.


I think battle droids in KOTOR are more like those after the clone wars when armies of battle droids had been outlawed and any that exist are probably personal belongings.


But i could be wrong. the only evidence ive seen of armies of droids is those of the trade federation and the ones who fight for the separatists.


thats what i think

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You can find a description and picture of a sithtrooper at the above link.


The idea of a sithtrooper's faceless apearance is to create fear in the eye's of their opponents. maybe also to keep them in line. i mean it cant be comfortable in a suit like that and they cant be too happy about it. so unhappyness keeps the darkside flowing.


Ive also read something about this or something with Vader. He can breath with the force but out of his faceless armor he begins to feel good about himself and that begins to turn him back to the lightside. or something

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Originally posted by Jedi Apprentice

In another tread I remember everyone discussing if those were sith troopers or not. I guess this question will just tell in time. Hopefully not too much time.....:)


On the Bioware forums they already stated that these are battle droids. They look just like the Sith Trooper except for their legs.


If you can't tell the difference by their legs, they also said you can tell because when you kill a Sith Trooper they fall and make a *thud*. But the droids explode into pieces.:)

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Originally posted by Aerothorn

I'm pretty sure that back then, the Republic HAD no army, thats why it was a big deal in Episode 2. They just had Jedi Knights.


The republic had an army. The army the Revan and Malak took to fight the Sith belonged to the Republic. When Revan and Malak became sith that army(fleet) followed them.


It's on the official site under Mandalorian Wars.

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There actually is a seperation between the Jedi and the Republic Military. Jedi as you correctly state, can be generals for "regular" republic soldiers. The reverse isn't true.


So Jedi can command other Jedi and Republic Soldiers.


Repubilc Soldiers can command other Republic Soldiers, but not Jedi.


Make sense?


This is pretty clearly shown in the Sith War period which happens forty years before the game. Jolee fought in that war as well, and relics (such as Exar Kun's lightsaber) turn up in the game.


There's no reason to assume the republic doesn't have an army forty years after a period when they did have one.

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Originally posted by Anakin1607

There's no reason to assume the republic doesn't have an army forty years after a period when they did have one.


That's a good point.


An even better point is that the Mandalorian War happens even more recent than the Sith War. So I doubt with 2 wars within 40 yrs the Republic would disband their Army. Especially with the fact that the Sith are still prominent.

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Originally posted by Anakin1607

So Jedi can command other Jedi and Republic Soldiers.


Repubilc Soldiers can command other Republic Soldiers, but not Jedi.


Make sense?



It makes sense to me. You can kind of see that happening at the start of the clone wars [end of ep 2] when you see the jedi leading the clones into the battle.


I too wonder when they got rid of the army......

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