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The Sod Bar


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You step out of a rusty ship to find yourself in the middle of Cur Island, a feared name throughout the islands of the Carribean.

You find yourself oddly thirsty, so you take a walk around the neighborhood. After a while, you find a large and dirty hut, with a sign labeled, "The Sod Bar."

Sounds good to me, you think.

You step inside, to which you nearly die of the stench. It's a strong stench of raw fish and moldy beer, also known as … Grog!

Yes, this is the famous bar, the only bar that sells gallons and gallons of grog in buckets. It's the place for violence and the utmost contempt for the civilized. Go here to fight, and go here to dance with the disco pigs (the stage on your left). Welcome, and no water allowed, nor wine or beer or rum. We only serve Grog here.

By the way, jimmycracker is currently hiring a bouncer. He/she needs experience with violent weapons and fist fights.

(equips The Spoon of Penalty)


Oh, and for the ignorant, Grog contains kerosene, propylene glycol, sulphuric acid, artificial sweeteners, red dye no2, acetone, battery acid, scumm, axle grease, and/or pepperoni.


This is the craziest place around. Enjoy!

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