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What do you think of the idea


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The FCs system is brilliant, you can either have the force sensitive slot at the beginning or not, and build your char, then can earn one and unlock it however, if you die then thats it for you. It will make players who will wan't to start over and over get frustrated and they will just wan't to play the game.

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It all really depends on how hard it will be to hide your abilities. Obviously if it labels your ranks as Jedi Knight or something you're a dead man. I think that they should have made one server solely devoted to those that wanted to play Jedi and let them have their way so we don't need to hear about it.

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Hahaha, great idea, D_S! Actually! Having one such server would make it really easy to avoid, and I would get rid of all those "JK2 massive multiplayer online" players, and the most important thing: it would serve as a great and final argument that if we let everyone who wants to be a jedi be a jedi, the game isn't SW anymore. And propably, not at all fun. :D

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I am in favor of the system that is set up now.


I just can't quite grasp why peope are so dang fired up about it. It's like everyone says, this isn't a game about Jedi, this is a game about living in the SW world, and interacting with people. Although Set, giving the Jedi people their own server would be a good idea.....give them their own server and when they realize how much is sucks, have them blocked out of all the other servers so they can't come in their and ruin our fun. :)

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I don´t think it´s a good idea, the cool thing about the Jedi in this game is that they gonna be rare, so, the cool thing is not "never see a Jedi", but you live your game life normal for months and months, and then, when you less expect, a lightsaber freak runs by, he don´t say hi, he don´t give you nothing no matter how much you beg, he will never be your friend, but you saw..... A JEDI *Pam pam pam*

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Personnally I have no plans to play as a Jedi even if I am 'fortunate' enough to have a slot opened up.

the setting of the game does not allow for Jedi to be

around every singel corner. Why is it so important for peeps to be Jedi anyway? I could still kill ya with a good blaster shot between the eyes anyway :skul1: :skul1: :skul1:

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Yeah, that extra slot would be nice for a non-combatant character, like a craftman, so that is definately another thing to do if you get FS flagged. Plus, your really, REALLY piss some jedi wannabe's with no slots if you do it.


"hey, I've been working for six months to get FS, and this "!#%"¤& girl spends her FS slot on a "%"¤"¤& HAIRDRESSER?!?! AAAAAAARGH!!!"


The mere thought can make me happy for weeks to come. ;)

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Careful green, I've been accused of spamming for just posting with the intention of laughing at a funny comment. Apparently its a high crime here (Just wanted to beat Wraith to it...;P)


Seriously tho, after thinking about what Set just said (and laughing for several minutes), I now reverse my decision. I VERY much want to become force sensitive now, and make the games first force sensitive image desiger :)


Bravo Set!




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heh heh the force senitive hair dresser still gets me. She'll cut your hair with her lightsaber....but watch out, she's near sighted. :)




Well, I don't honestly care if I become FS. It would be nice yes, but the game continues regardless.


And I don't mind being called a spammer on these forums, Jared. But I refuse to ever post in the starwarsgalaxies.com forums again after reading some of the detestible stuff being said in the Discussion forum. Have you seen it?? Absolutely hideous.

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This is a little off-topic but, yeah, I dont post in the swg main pages either- its a full time job to keep up with, and there are way too many numbskulls there..


About the spamming- I wasnt telling you to be aware of others calling you a spammer- my warning was from a moderator, and as such, has to be complied with. I was just letting you know to avoid any troubles :)



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I'm completely in favour of the current set-up for Jedi, and think its been quite cleverly handled. As the games set in the galactic civil war period of the original trilogy there was only, literally, a handful of jedi running (or rather moving as unsuspiciously as possible ;) ) about.


Like some others on here I'm not sure if I'd even bother to attempt jedidom even if i unlocked the slot, as thats not what i'm looking for in the game, and juding by what one of the dev's (sorry i cant remember who said it) said the other day... out of 100 casual players in the first 3 months none of them will unlock the FS slot.

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Everyone here seems a bit annoyed about the FS system. Personally, I don't see a problem. For at least a couple of months, there won't even be people with FS slots, let alone jedi masters. Maybe in a year or two there could conceivably be a problem with too many jedi running around, but the system for making that highly unlikely seems pretty good too. After all, it'll take months, if not a year or so, to work up to a Jedi Master. And in all that time you can only get killed two or three times. I don't really see that happening for many people, especially since if you brag about your "jedi-ness" people can kill you on sight. The only jedi that will be able to brag are masters, who'll probably be the nastiest PCs in the game. But i seriously doubt that most of the l337 hax0r JK2 players will be able to resist gloating about an FS slot for that long. Chances are, most of the people who just wanna be a jedi for bragging rights (which is probably most of the people who wanna be a jedi) will die off in the first month or so of their FS slot. So the jedi population will be pretty small, at least until you get the uber jedi master PAs that can PL you up to master level in no time. But those are a long way off too.


I don't really care at the moment whether I get an FS slot or not. My main reason for doing it would probably be getting the chance to fight Mara Jade or Boba Fett or some other obscenely nasty EU character in the Star Wars universe. Other than that, there's not much reason not to pursue a more normal career.

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The system is flawless,

1 Its a "if" if you can earn, or start out with a Force Sensitive slot


2 Most players who want to be a Jedi would have to be dedicated to really being a jedi because one death and its all over, and most not serious will not commit themselves. It will be easier for most to just say "Man i Keep dying, i'll be a different char", and maybe if i earn a slot later or want to take a chance a throwing away my char i will.


Only people who are upset are loosers who would rather have jedi be a cakewalk to become, or them be isolated ruining everything, the system is great, because everyone has an opportunity immediately, or eventually to decide to become one.

And even so if you die then its all over for you.... So the risk is just as great if not greater.


Thats why the system is good because you really think these gamers exist.......I doubt it.

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