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Single Player carbon Freeze


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My new map is set on bespin

using my carbon freeze chamber from my MP map


But the city will be totally redrawn


I have made the start area

Which my friend Shadriss has tested


He pointed out FPS was low in the start but that was with 1024 x 768 and high detail

I also found that Vertex shadows can cut fps in half So i try not to use them on any machine below a 2 gig


But luckily its only for the start area. Which i wanted to look nice. Once ya get over the door into a new area i can then place Area Portals to stop FPS drop or make it go to next level.



Thats the one problem with Cloud city. The lovely City scapes can cause severe FPS problems as they are all round buildings.

As i wanted to get away from the orginal SP games buildings as much as i could. I might try deleting a few buildings to sort this.


Or even make some of the meshes NON solid




Right then the sky....

it starts out Blue.. BLUE !!! i hear you cry WOOOOT !!


but remember when Luke arrives on Cloud City the sky is Blue, when he leaves its Sunset. And Bespin has more that 2 sunsets per day.



Level at the moment is not going to follow the film. It will have all the areas seen BUT follow a different story.



what happened to her ????


Reason for Choosing Tavion over Dessaan is you get a much better saber fight. Dessaan is far to strong for this kind of level. I need someone with the Sword abilities of vader but not strong enough to push you over the edge as it were




It will take a Long time to do, and who knows i might even make a vader version as i get better =]]] EG once i know how to replace Tavion with Vader =[ i did a tutorial but it kept crashing my jk2

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ok one problem

the models are in 3ds or max format


not MD3


now i could export as an md3 but my max software that i purchased off Amazon..co.uk no longer works as i need to register but my serial number isnt accepted =[

so i cant load 3d max


Ive tried contacting the guy who made the bespin buildings

but his email isnt valid.

I have the max models BUT i need a very kind sole to make them md3


if so that person would probably find their work displayed all over the world =]]] as its one of my maps :p


and as its carbonfreeze map then very likely to be in a magazine cd

my emial is philip.thejedi@ntlworld.com

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Originally posted by Livingdeadjedi

Reason for Choosing Tavion over Dessaan is you get a much better saber fight. Dessaan is far to strong for this kind of level. I need someone with the Sword abilities of vader but not strong enough to push you over the edge as it were


Finally someone who realises that fighting Desann without super invincibility is near suicide :)


Looking forward to this one :D

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Concerning FPS I would comment that in scenes where you will have no fighting done, only extraordinary scenery, the FPS don't need to be so high, if that would require you to cut down your artistic ambitions.


However, are you talking about Tavion class or Tavion herself? Surely you could also reskin some model and just define him/her as Tavion class. That was what I did, and didn't use Desann class for reasons already mentioned here. Still, if the player has even moderately high force powers, especially force speed, you'll notice the obvious drawbacks of Tavion class.


And congratulations for your success with the magazine. That is surely something to remember long afterwards and a just recognition of your talents as a mapper.

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