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If you could build the ‘perfect’ battle bot….


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uhh. that show called "Battle Bots" from Comedy Central, or CC used to show them, haven't seen one in a loong time.


Mine would hover and have het engines (really, small ones :) ) on each side to move in all directions. Thoes jets would be protected by heavy duty reinforce.. something so when I ram a bot it doesn't damage the jet. It would have some sort of laser weapon somewhere to melt the enemy bot. And maybe some buzz saws.


As you can probably tell, I've given this some thought ^_^

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Lots of fast moving blunt objects. :D


Anyone see the heavyweight champion of season 4 on BB? I can't remember it's name but it was made by some dairy farmers. It kicked arse. Something like Son of Whyachi or something. Anyway, It spun these meat hooks around at about 70 m.p.h. and they literally ripped apart any bot that tried to get close to it.


Very cool to watch, almost as cool as Toro. Toro had an air-powered lifting arm that could put out so much PSI it could literally flip a bot 10 feet into the air. Let me see if I can dig up some pics.






Son of Whyachi

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My older brother loves the show and wants to build one. I'd make one with some sort of electrical shock tails that would drag on the ground. I'd also give it a mercury switch and wheels that stuck out on both the top and bottom so if it got flipped the switch would flip the controls and you could keep fighting.

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Originally posted by Young David

It all started with Robot Wars on the bbc ... that's one cool show (Yes, we have BBC in the Netherlands).


I would have it wedge-shaped with a giant 'laser' on top of it.


Really? I had no idea. Guess I should thank the BBC for one of my favorite shows. It got me thinking about building bots but due to the cost, I had to stay in the virtual world. Cheaper and easier. Do you guys have any favorite bot desing games?

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