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SF bots


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Heh there is really not too much to it.

Set the aggression levels right and be careful how you assign the powers is all you have to do.


The problem most bots have is people set them up w/ a human style Force config but the bots tend to "whore" one or two powers and ignore the rest.


As for the pull throws, the ones I made to do it, try it every chance they get.

The pull kicks are rare but they do happen.


I think it's funny that people always called pull throws an "exploit" yet bots will do it if you make them right.


They are by no means hard to beat for seasoned players but how often to you see a bot pull throw a person then run in and drill them with a yellow dfa?


These bots were not made to be hard to beat they were just designed to mimic the person I named them after (play style wise) but it turned out they are actually pretty good.

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It's funny to see bots made after real players... unfortunately, all bots, are no challenge whartsoever.


Yes, they do put up a challenge if I do not use pul/kick/grip/throw and stick to just using the saber. But since bots cannot kick to save their AI, they dont last more than a few seconds in front of a pull-kick-throw whore. :)


But great job in making giving them those abilities. It does make tham a whole lot cooler than regular bots. :)


[edit:] Oh yea, I LOVE their lines, cracks me up every time, what was it... "i just owned your face you f@ggert!!!" :D

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