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Official SWGB 2 Game Engine thread.

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Put your ideas here as to which gaming engine LA should use for SWGB 2.


Should it be Age Of Mythology (AoM), Command & Conquer Generals, maybe even the VERY impressive Creative Assemblys engine used in Medievil Total War?


Or, is it about time LA made their own engine or are they better off just creating the unit/structure artwork?


Give us your thoughts



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I think C&C:Generals would be cool. The Air would finally be like flying and dukeing and stuff, not the . . . . standing in the air shoot out. But I can see how that would not work to well. So I'd either go when RoN (because I like the idea of Coquer the World) or AoM.

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Personally, I don't care what engine they use. I just want Galactic Battlegrounds 2 to be able to play on my Pentium III 667 with a 8MB Intel video card. Otherwise I won't buy the game because I am paying $1500-$2000 for a new computer just to get a 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, or above video card. Because I can't upgrade my video card. I do prefer prefer engine that will allow more civilizations. Also, I want the engine to let us make at least 250 units per civilization if not more. If they can do that using a 3-d engine and still only require 4MB or 8MB video game then that would be cool!

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Yea, Generals is pretty fast paced.


people still have Pentium 3? wow.... j/k


I believe by the time SWGB 2 comes out, it will require a minimum of Pentium IV and an Advanced Video Card like GF or Radeon. I have a GF 4 ti 4600 and it is my baby.....


now backon topic: I really wish LA would finally use it's own engine because i don't want them to have to owe Microsoft anything when SWGB 2 becomes a hit......

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Their own engine is really the only option if they don't want SWGB2 to look as much like a (professionally-done) mod as SWGB1 did.


However, if for whatever reason that is not feasible, I'd go with AoM. RoN is to large-scale, while Generals is too small-scale - although admittedly I don't know that much about Generals.


I've stated reasons why I like the AoM engine in my thread titles "Age of Mythology and SWGB2". However, I'd like to see LucasArts and Ensemble to work together on an engine. That way you've got the Ensemble-feel so it isn't too different from SWGB1, but at the same time it will be a completely different engine from AoM.

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That was funny! Not everyone who plays strategy games or Star Wars games has Pentium 4's. I still know alot of people who use Pentium 2. I just think engine should be able to run on the majority of customers computers when they finally release it. Most people will have at least a Pentium III by the time they release it. Plus, not everyone is buying a computer or upgrading their computer graphic cards every year for a game like Galactic Battlegrounds 2.

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I would most definitely say AoM. It fits the game style, and is an obvious choice, seeing as it's the sequel to AoK, yet different enough to be an amazing game in its own right without being seen as too close to the prequel.

However, I haven't played C&C Generals yet. So I can't give my opinion on it....... however, I daresay AoM will be the best option for a while to come.

As for RoN, well, I post reasons for it not to be used on every second thread on these forums, and I'm too lazy to post 'em here. Regulars will know my reasons off by heart by now...


Edit: Wait wait wait! Oh, how foolish of me: I meant to say that AoM is the best choice IF LA doesn't make their own engine. It should be obvious to all and sundry that if LA is willing to fork out the resources necessary to create a unique and powerful engine for GB2, it will be far better than any modded version of another engine could ever be.

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Problems with AoM:

Only 3 factions (but more if u count Gods and all)

No air units (this was a problem with GB too)

Godly powers (don't give me "the Force" or "Generals". If it was that was in Canon Luke would destroy another AT-AT using Force Push. And C&C Generals handles the whole Generals thing better. If it would be like AoM we would be getting further from original GB and closer to FoCom, with it's "command points" and subsequent reinforcements)

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That's why I think LucasArts and Ensemble should join forces. Simply just modding AoM would be bad because you'd have to take out God Powers and Favor. The bad things about this are:

:atat: Taking something out will make it look like an inferior game to AoM.

:atat: It's probably such an integral part of the engine it would be impossible to remove without a large amount of re-engineering.


Joe: I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are dreaming if you think game developers want to cater for people with slower computers. They are part of the computer industry, and they want you to buy new things to keep the industry alive. Therefore, they make you buy new things if you want to play their game. It's all part of capitalism and that's how the society you live in works.

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Their own engine is by far the best. If they used C&C, AoM, RoN, or any of the others, I probably wouldn't play it. RoN is just a flawed game (I can say this now that simwiz isn't here) and both Generals and AoM would have to lose intergral parts of their engines to adopt them to SW or else seem unfun and forced.

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In my opinion, LA should go and look at (and play)-


AoM, AoK etc

C&C: Generals

C&C: Red Alert, RA2, TS etc



Take the best features and the features that best fit a Star Wars RTS, and then build their own engine. As for the other engines


Out of the question-

AoM, AoK, C&C series


Would Work-

RoN, Medievil

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I think the engine right now works. Just add more units per civilization, more structures, buildings, units, characters, heros in the scenario editor. Add more Star Wars Locales in Single player mode. Make it so Fighters, Bombers, Transports can land when not fighting. Make aircraft like B-wing, X-wings, etc. open their wings like in the movies. Also when aircraft attack they shouldn't just hover above the object. That is fake.

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Windu: I agree that LA should go and look at other top-rated games to try and find what works, but I can't see why AoM would be out of the question and RoN wouldn't. I mean, sure, God Powers and Favour are quite insane in a SW setting, but there are some great ideas in those games, and some much more suited to the genre than RoN, which shouldn't even be in discussion. (Remember all the reasons I posted in the RoN thread?)

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Originally posted by joesdomain

I think the engine right now works. Just add more units per civilization, more structures, buildings, units, characters, heros in the scenario editor. Add more Star Wars Locales in Single player mode. Make it so Fighters, Bombers, Transports can land when not fighting. Make aircraft like B-wing, X-wings, etc. open their wings like in the movies. Also when aircraft attack they shouldn't just hover above the object. That is fake.







I also think that LA should make thier own engine, becuase RoN's release is too far away.



Sithmaster- Gah! Play it first then critisize!!

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Joe, you are dreaming if you think they would use the AoK engine again. Who would bother buying exactly the same game, but with a few things that should have been put in a second expansion pack and given a price tag half the value? I certainly would not. If LucasArts does this it is an insult to us and commercial suicide for them.


While taking the best ideas from other games is a good idea, I would also like to think LucasArts has the ability to introduce something new into the RTS genre.

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Joe - let us never speak of this again...


Sith - thats unfair. To me, RoN looks great.


Corran - because AoM is built on ancient earth mythology with 3 civs, while RoN is designed to operate right through WW2 (on which SW combat is based) right up to now. Hence it would already have the framework to accomodate a SW mod (ie tanks, aircraft, ranged infantry) whereas AoM would not.

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I think AoM is better than RoN for SWGB2 because even though there are elements in both that don't work, the elements in AoM can be more easily made to fit Star Wars than those in RoN.


For example:

What doesn't work in RoN?

:atat: It has too many ages. Cutting these down will suit Star Wars better but make SWGB2 look like less of a game than RoN.

:atat: Borders. These don't really make sense for Star Wars, and making them fit Star Wars is a bit of a stretch.

:atat: Scale. RoN is large scale RTS, while idealy SWGB2 should remain medium scale like SWGB1.


What doesn't work in AoM?

:atat: God Powers. However, these could be changed to be military tactics or officer commands. For example, the Rebels might have a "demolition team" tactic, that works pretty much like Meteor Shower except you see all these Rebels run out of the enemy buildings before they explode.

:atat: Minor God Worship. This could quite suitably be altered to Officer stationing, where each officer brings new techs and a new military tactic to each.

:atat: Favor. This could be changed to be similar to the Force. You would need Force to buy Jedi and Sith, as well as research Jedi/Sith techs. Light-side civs generate Force similar to the Greeks, but you would have troopers and Jedi "meditate" to gain Force/Favor. The Dark Side should gain their Force in combat like the Norse.


So I think AoM could be made to fit Star Wars in a more acceptable way than RoN.

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