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UK Release date, a Hello and UK people?


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Im new here and thought that the first MMORPG id play would be this one after all it's Star Wars



but I thought I'd say the the release date for Star Wars in the UK is September 5th .....whats that about.



Anyway you probalby new that already are there any people from the UK here??




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Welll i just pre ordered... maybe you should too.. i think you can understand the us version even better than me :D


other than that.. you know as much as we do!.


Welcome to



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-Wraith 8-

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its coming out on Sept 5th a pain I know problem is which do you order the US or the UK a decsion I'm wrestling with at the moment... this is the preorder for Amazon.co .uk




but im wondering what the costings are etc and how its gonna work as in will we be able to access the eu servers now?


... also to get the game around the 15 i think someone owrked it out to about £50 (€100) so im still not sure also



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Amazon and EBGames wil not ship to the UK ....It sucks....


EB will ship to other EU country's though...Grrr


Some one else posted this:




I belive they will ship the US version to the UK.


I worked it out to be about £50 for 3Day delivery from Amazon bet then found out they wont ship comuter games over seas :(


Also the 5th Sept is not Offical yet either so it could change :)


I have a friend getting me my copy and sending it to me :)


I just hope i get it for my Birthday on the 20th

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Uhm, I'm sorry if I ruin your April Fools joke here, if that's what it is. By the way, that would have been a cruel joke too if it was. :D


But, the game has been postponed for awhile at the moment. We don't know exactly when it will come out anymore ... unless there has been some new info that I've missed.

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It wan't an April Fools Joke it was on a web site. Also what does beta mean i have been meaning to ask i no its not on topic but could anyone tell me please! All i kno is that Galaxies is coming out soon and its gunna be dam good!:D

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