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Favorite JK2 Kyle Katarn Quote?


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This is probably impossible, but I would sure like to snatch Kyle saying "It's offline," put it in an audio file, and make it an alert sound for my computer.


Picture a window coming up saying "you have been disconnected" as Kyle says "It's offline!" Or even better (and more impossible), "404 Not Found!" It's offline!


Now, if Bill Gates said "It's offline," he'd sound like the stupidest geek in the world. But Kyle has the P0W3R 0F TH3 F0RC3!



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Originally posted by Koala3K

This is probably impossible, but I would sure like to snatch Kyle saying "It's offline," put it in an audio file, and make it an alert sound for my computer.


Picture a window coming up saying "you have been disconnected" as Kyle says "It's offline!" Or even better (and more impossible), "404 Not Found!" It's offline!


Now, if Bill Gates said "It's offline," he'd sound like the stupidest geek in the world. But Kyle has the P0W3R 0F TH3 F0RC3!




That is possible. Ask around. The only hard part would be getting recording it at the right time.

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It's not my favorite quote, but I think it's one of the best sounding lines in the whole game. It's on the last level of Bespin, and your holding that one person over the ledge, (I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't gotten there (you better have just gotten it) , but when Kyle screams, "Liar!" I don't know, I just really like the way he growls it out.


My favorite quote though, is: "You heard me. Go and pray that I find your master before he finds you."

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my favorite isnt a kyle quote... :D its one stormtrooper complaining to another when an office gives him crap over teh comlink... the ST goes "stupid know it all officers... why dont they come down here and try to see out of this damn helmet, and i'll sit in my comfy office, and tell you how dumb and incompitent you are..." hehe, it just cracks me up :p

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