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Need some help!


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I just recently dusted off my copy of XWA to give 'er another go! Unfortunately, in the intervening year I purchased a new computer (sweet), but it came with XP. I cannot seem to get XWA to run on my new machine. Has anyone had any luck getting XWA to run on an XP machine. If anyone has any advice, please help, I am starting to pull my hair out!!!!:biggs:



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Program begins to load and then flickers back to desktop. XP seems to be the problem, but it could be a combination of XP and Directx. It seems others have encountered this problem, but no definite solution.:confused:


I could try bending my cd, but then I'd have to bend the drive too, right??;)

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Originally posted by beavisbeatle

but it could be a combination of XP and Directx.


Did you install the DirectX version that came with XWA? Then get DirectX 9 immediately. If you kept your version of DirectX, still consider an upgrade of both DirecX and your vid card drivers. It might work. :rolleyes:

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