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The right to commit suicide


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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Suicide is always a bad thing. There is no such thing as a right to take suicide, because, well, their life isn't just theirs, if you see what I mean.


Whose life is it then? :confused:


Quoting Marx, are we? I might mention that Marx meant it was important to improve their lifes, and not to get rid of it.


Whatever he meant, he hit the mark with that statement.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Suicide is always a bad thing. There is no such thing as a right to take suicide, because, well, their life isn't just theirs, if you see what I mean.

no i dont see what you mean. it is their life. they have the right to do what they want with it just as you have the right to do with your's.


Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

But in 99% of the cases the suicider would have regretted the suicide if he could.

uhmmmm you know this how?:confused:

Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

To not allow suicide is to help the suiciders, not to make it worse for them.

yeah just like telling a teenager over and over again why sex is wrong and telling them over and over again to not do drugs cuz when you annoy them like that you know its gonna make them like it less.:rolleyes:
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Originally posted by C'jais

Once a person have stopped existing, talking about how he could have felt is ridiculous, IMHO.


Oh, come on, you know as well as me that most suicides are self-centered teenagers who's lost their girlfriend or some guy who's lost his job or something. They are not thinking clearly. And who would have benefit of killing themselves anyway? Most suiciders are young people who have a lot to live for, it's just that they can't see it.

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

no i dont see what you mean. it is their life.


Not only. How about all the people who cares for the suicider? They will suffer greatly.


uhmmmm you know this how?


Most suiciders are young people who does not deserve to die. The problem is that their depression makes them rather narrow-minded, so that they do not manage to see the things they have to live for. Think about it, young people in perfectly well health, what would give them reason enough to end their lifes?


yeah just like telling a teenager over and over again why sex is wrong and telling them over and over again to not do drugs cuz when you annoy them like that you know its gonna make them like it less.


:rolleyes: It is better to learn your children to have hope, see the good things in their lives and to not kill themselves than to tell them that if yeh feel you don't want to live, then go jump from a bridge.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Oh, come on, you know as well as me that most suicides are self-centered teenagers who's lost their girlfriend or some guy who's lost his job or something. They are not thinking clearly. And who would have benefit of killing themselves anyway? Most suiciders are young people who have a lot to live for, it's just that they can't see it.


Perhaps you're right.


But I still find it very immoral to impose your beliefs on another person. It's still a person's own choice.


We all have to get to grips with how everything passes away, s'what I'm sayin'.

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Originally posted by JM Qui-Gon Jinn

Oh, come on, you know as well as me that most suicides are self-centered teenagers who's lost their girlfriend or some guy who's lost his job or something. They are not thinking clearly. And who would have benefit of killing themselves anyway? Most suiciders are young people who have a lot to live for, it's just that they can't see it.

actually most suicides are by adult women and middle-aged men. i did a report on suicide for class once(it actually made the teacher think i was suicidal). anyways. usually its adult women and middle-aged men i specify adult meaning between the ages of 24-35.
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Originally posted by InsaneSith

actually most suicides are by adult women and middle-aged men. i did a report on suicide for class once(it actually made the teacher think i was suicidal). anyways. usually its adult women and middle-aged men i specify adult meaning between the ages of 24-35.


24-35 is pretty young.

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Welllll..... lemme see if I can piss off both sides here! j/k :D


First, I have to agree that, by and large, suicide is a personal choice. However, one cannot ignore the findings of the Centers for Disease Control, which point out that while 14% of all suicides that occur among those under 25 (U.S., 1999), it is the third leading cause of death among those aged 15 - 24.


Mental disorders are associated with 90% of all cases of suicide. That would indicate that the "suicider" is not, in many cases, competent enough to decide whether that is an appropriate course of action, but rather a symptom of depression or other mental illness.


Still, one also cannot ignore the history of suicide in many cultures and religions. Budists, Confucionists, and Shintoists each condone suicide as an answer to incurable illness. Ancient Egyptians viewed it as a neutral event, because death was merely a passage from one form of existence to another. It was simply a means of avoiding, disgrace, abandonment, guilt, cowardice, or loss of a loved one. Or an expression of general mistrust of the world.


While Islam strictly denounces suicide and condemns it in the Koran, certain sects of Islam certainly look at it as a means of fighting injustice (i.e. suicide bombers). Christianity also tolerated and even encouraged suicide at one time. In Japan, ritual suicide became known as hara kiri. It was accepted and respected. Not only that, it was expected in some cases, such as, dishonor, and to avoid being taken prisoner. Among military officers in nineteenth-century Europe, suicide-by-pistol was the expected response to inability to pay gambling debts.


The right and wrong of suicide is a matter of perspective. Certainly, we must attempt to prevent this act among our friends, especially if they are mentally ill or temporarily anguished. But if it is a matter of honor, would it not be more dishonorable to stand in the way of someone attempting to "atone for their sins?" If the person is suffering from an incurable disease, who are we to say "you must hold on." I'm not that selfish.... I hope.



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Instead of writing something new, I grabbed this from a previous

thread here in the senate.



a good thing

I think the stigma attached to suicide is misplaced. We villify and dehumanize people who take their own lives for many reasons.


It scares those who afraid of death, it insults those who think life is precious. It's selfish to the loved ones left behind. I could go on & on.


But it amazes me that western culture with it's ingrained indulgence in the individual and his or her rights would deny this ulimate act of self control.


I am already thinking that if I make it to very old age, i will probably like to die by my own hands. One final moment of self indulgence.


Having said that, I will also say the universe has been around for billions of years that I didn't get to enjoy. And it will go on for billions more without me, so what's the hurry?

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