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Where can I get some good ep2 3 3/4 in. figures?


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Would anyone happen to know any good places to get 3 3/4 in. ep2 figures? I've just become interedted recently. I've looked on amazon some and most of them are discontinued (not stocked). Anyone have any good recommendations for stores to get these at?

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IMO, BrainsToys overprice. Go with http://www.Amazon.com that's where I go.......


besides go here:




and scroll down til you get to the Jango Fetts. There's a "Jango Fett Final Duel" and a "Jango Fett Kamino Escape." Too me they looks like the same thing, just with the head snapped off of one of them.... kinda silly.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by gundark

to be honest, the best thing to do is whait a while and get ALL the figures on clearence, its worth the wait, go to kb to do so, and I work there, so i can ''boost'' them for me and my freinds:p


I actually got 50% off at KB on "select Star Wars figures" just...uh, yesterday.

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