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decussion: C9: Vampires


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BD: The older the Vamp the more powerful, in this case Vertmor, Sertmor and Kvana aren't nessarly older, being ressurrected and all, their bodies are as powerful as when they "died"


with my Vamps my rules are more Blood Omen and with a small dash of Interview with a Vampire (meaning i only use IWV's rule about creating a vamp ;)) ^_^


a Vamp is created by teh 'victum' drinking the Vampire's blood, the more purer the better 'potenal' the Vampire has ^_^

Meaning: The Vamps created before when Vertmor was using the adapted body of the Fused Irvine, those vamps the he created arent as powerful when he's in his "actual" body. Which now that he is, Vampire's the he'll create now and those whom are created after that one, would be generaly more powerful.


Vampires that are just created are known as "Fledglings" becuase their appearence is more closer to when they were human. Also their resistences to the elements (most things that a Vampire would be weak agenst) are weak. (btw: Garlic and Crosses are gay to use. :p)


As the Vampire get older, and a few centuries pass, The vampire has the opion to sleep for a long peroid of time and allow his body to evolve and grow even stronger. In the case for Vertmor, and Sertmor (Redwing's Vamp is different, he can choose to go by my rules or not (to a cartain point or not, his choice)) their bodies already when through at least 5 or 6 of these evolutions, so they aren't weak. Also their resistences also increase, ability to walk in the daylight, water doesn't scorch their skin, etc.

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Garlic may not even exist in this dimension. But Deac decided crosses, holy water and the like do, and work against vamps, so...


Kvana's breed is different from Vertmors in several ways. Long ago when the two races coexisted, Kvana's breed was the more common, and older race. They didn't have the ability to evolve more 'powers' like Vertmor's breed, a specific vampire lineage created by the vampire Vorador. At at least one point in time, Vorador's childer acted as a sort of ruling class in the vampire underworld, along with the more powerful "normal" vampires. The vampire mage Kvana Clare the Second was one of the latter. Kvana's breed do not have innate magical abilites on the scale of Vertmor's (for example they have no shapeshifting abilities). They have no vulnerability to silver.


Any other information/clarification needed?

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No thats fine. There is another type of Vamp I came across in a Fanfic which is totally different:


Force Vampires.


They have to be force sensative humans.


They can be turned back by being injured up to a weak after being sired.


They only feed on force sensatives.


They have none of the weaknesses of normal Vampires, although they don't like sunlight.


They can only be killed by destroying the heart.


They're essentially a form of dark Jedi.


I may decide to introduce these guys, or not, at this point though, not.

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Scar, you aren't getting it. Vampires are not natural creatures, and more importantly Deac has established that God exists in some form in this universe. Thus holy things have the power to harm evil, to burn it.


Second possibility: Even if, as according to you, they wouldn't automatically have that power, obviously (since that rule works in Mrear) someone gave crosses/holy water/etc their mystical power to harm vampires. Vampires are mystical creatures.


(Christian vampires? Right)

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Originally posted by Scarface2k2

Mine arent Christian, there is no such thing in this universe, right? ^^


besides even if flegelings are harmed by holy things, the older Vampires wont be due to their resistences increased



Yes there is, according to Deac. I don't know the specifics, but it's still there. You still missed the point. The power of the cross burns vampires, NOT the vampire's belief in something.


Resistance increased? In other words they get less evil? This whole holy things thing is based on good vs evil, it isn't as mechanical like a stake through the heart or the burning of sunlight. You should stop worrying about this anyway - no one who isn't from my dimension or connected to Mrear in some way will likely have a cross, or holy water, or anything of that sort anyway.

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okay, just clearing up that fact.

becuase there shouldn't be 100% usage of all the info from those 'historic' documents and such.

not only that to use all the common rules of what can be heard from Buffy or not (Becuase frankly i know a good portion of you watch ;) but i don't i think its retarded :mad: the movie was better)


Rules to my Vampires (Reguardless or not, anything else they arent mine and i will ignore it, reason: I should be able to have say with races that I bring into the RPG or I should be able to have characters from races that currently can not.):

  • Garlic sucks, regaurdless if its used for a purifying purposes, it doesnt effect them in any way.
  • Holy water hurts just as bad as normal water.
    Sunlight scorches any types of fledgelings (young no evolved vamps).
  • Holy symbols harm to a certain extent, maybe like contact with it and 'looking at it'. Just as long as its a holy one, peroid.
    wooden stakes have to pirce the heart all the way through, they dont 'poof'.
  • Silver hurts, does not make 'poof' although silver stake kills vamp much faster.
  • Vampires are not supposed to be easy kills, these are people whom supposed to have 0 knowledge about them, at least give at a little more respect on that. at least i'd attempt to, i see posts about 5 to 10 vamps dead by two guys, and they jsut shrug it off, its not cool. (I'm pissed at this one. Vamps are supposed to be scary, becuase this sort of thing hasn't been delt with in this universe in a very, very long time. Hell maybe the vamps jsut might 'die' off in Mrear 2 (not serious)) No one is friken 'buffy'.
  • These vamps can shape shift into these basic 'wild-life' or nature elements: wolves, bats, warewolves (the more half wolf, half vamp), Mist (a cloud of gas).
  • Vamps do get stronger as they age, this won't be a strong issue in this rpg for the fact that we are rpging within a few weeks and not centuries.

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Firstly, Scar, if they don't "poof", then...why did you say they "poof" before?


Secondly, vampires exist in Rwos' universe too. They continue to, just like the humans, elves, trolls, dwarves (but not orcs) from Mrear. The Avatars and the Aeges comes from Mrear, so they could conceivably say something.


Rwos doesn't know the differences between the vampires he has seen and the vampires here, but still, he knows to use crosses, as he has already told Deac. He wears a rosary, too, which he also showed Deac...


And by the way Scar, the reason for all this business is that you didn't invent vampires. If you change every single thing that makes them vampires, then you can't really call them vampires ;) I think you're forgetting, also, that since this is Deac's universe, and you are creating a race of beings that come from his universe, he does kinda have that annoying "final say" in things, and he obviously wants that holy water/cross rule. ;)


And if you think the Buffy movie was good, well, I think you've got problems. j/k ^_~


Now for my vampires, i.e. Kvana, and any of those he creates. Unless I say otherwise, vampires I control are probably Kvana's race.


  • They have no vulnerability to garlic.
  • Holy water burns them, but you'd need alot of holy water to kill one.
  • Sunlight causes them to burst into flames. Only direct sunlight can harm them.
  • Though some vampires fear the cross, only contact will hurt them. Looking at it does nothing. Crosses are like a hot irons to them. As with holy water (and hot irons), you'd need alot of crosses to kill one.
  • They cannot be mortally wounded and slowly die. If they are hit with a wound they cannot recover from, they explode into dust. (Sunlight or fire would turn them to ash.) Any other wounds they will always recover from, even if it takes a long time.
  • Silver does not harm them. This may or may not be because they do not have any natural ability to shapeshift, as legends say silver harms werewolves. (Kvana himself can shapeshift like Vertmor and Sertmor, but this is an ability he gained through magic.)
  • Beheading, sunlight, fire, wood through the heart, and alot of holy water, crosses, etc. will kill them.
  • They do not evolve like Scar's vamps. If a vampire lives long enough it becomes more demonic, and grows resistances to normal weaknesses, but this does not include increasing abilites or "dark gifts" of any kind. This key ability difference is why many "normal" vampires on Mrear once saw Vorador's childer (Scar's vamps) as a superior race.



Now I'm going list the abilites that make Kvana's vampires dangerous, as just saying they're supposed to be scary isn't very effective ;)


  • They have strength, speed, and agility far beyond that of a human.
  • They have a predator's nature and instincts with a human's intelligence, giving them a natural edge in a fight.
  • They have superhuman senses. They can smell, taste, touch, hear, and see far better than possible for a human.
  • They have no human souls, and they have no conscience. This is what makes them evil, (along with their urge to kill of course) which is why it's noted. Vampires are capable of doing good things, but it will always be because of their own self-interest.
  • They heal fast, and can heal any injury short of being beheaded.


Lastly, little things that might come up in the RPG.


  • "Game face" is the demonic-looking face that a vampire's visage morphs into so it can feed. Its fangs extend from its mouth, its face gains ridged brows, and the rest of the face slighlty changes.
  • Vampires are created by the vampire draining most (but not all) blood from the human. While the human is still alive, the vampire gives them some of its blood. The human dies, and awakens soulless, a vampire - human soul gone, demon soul in place. The new vampire is permanently in "game face" until it feeds, at which point it can transform back to a human visage.
  • Blood is blood for these vampires. They can feed on dead things, although they prefer living things because of the warmth they have. I mention this because in some fantasy-verses vampires have to feed on the living. They can survive on animals, although to them humans taste by far the best.
  • They cannot starve. Prolonged lack of blood will make them look like skin and bones, like a starving human, but it will never kill them, even if the deprivation lasts for so long that it destroys them mentally.
  • Vampires have all the memories and remember the thoughts of the human they once were, but they think differently. The human mind they once had affects their new mind, but like a warped glass, the demon now in them twists and changes everything.
  • Vampires have an automatic and sometimes temporary loyalty to their sire when they are "made". (This may only last until they "think it over", but it's there at the start, a first instinct.) Mentioning this in case someone's character gets made a vampire by one of my characters, unlikely as that may be. (I think this is the same for Scar's vampires, as the two races are related, but you'll need to ask him about it)



If I think of something I missed, or someone asks a question, I'll edit this.

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Firstly, Scar, if they don't "poof", then...why did you say they "poof" before?


BD said they 'poof'


And by the way Scar, the reason for all this business is that you didn't invent vampires.


Yes, but I did beat you to the punch and introduce them into the universe before you, and as for the controling elements of a Vampire, I was saying that i should have more of a say towards what vampire rules are 'used' in the rpg. What ever or not if there is a second race (which isn't that bad of an idea)


I think you're forgetting, also, that since this is Deac's universe, and you are creating a race of beings that come from his universe, he does kinda have that annoying "final say" in things, and he obviously wants that holy water/cross rule.


damnit, I guess I'll never get by that one ^_^


And if you think the Buffy movie was good, well, I think you've got problems. j/k ^_~


As for that comment. :D

I ment it in relation to the series, it was better. :p



(btw: You think that my version of the 'Force Vampire' that I came up with via AIM, shoudl be used ^_^)

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Originally posted by Scarface2k2

BD said they 'poof'


No, you told me they poof, so I said they poof, and BD said they didn't poof, and I told him yes they do poof, and he said ok, they poof. You'd better correct him ;)



Yes, but I did beat you to the punch and introduce them into the universe before you, and as for the controling elements of a Vampire, I was saying that i should have more of a say towards what vampire rules are 'used' in the rpg. What ever or not if there is a second race (which isn't that bad of an idea)


...I didn't say *I* invented vampires. Neither of us did. And you've specified everything except for the cross thing, which was Deac.



As for that comment. :D

I ment it in relation to the series, it was better. :p


I rest my case ;)


(btw: You think that my version of the 'Force Vampire' that I came up with via AIM, shoudl be used ^_^)


Wouldn't that just be an 'ordinary' vampire Jedi?

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Originally posted by Redwing

No, you told me they poof, so I said they poof, and BD said they didn't poof, and I told him yes they do poof, and he said ok, they poof. You'd better correct him ;)


Um, confused now...



...I didn't say *I* invented vampires. Neither of us did. And you've specified everything except for the cross thing, which was Deac.


No, I ment it like even if I know the specs and history of a race in this RPG, I can't have a character with in it. Of course I created my things, but mainly due to that I feel like i have to compete agenst those races becuase alot of those details in them make them better then a typical Jedi (the Aesir VS a Jedi = a dead Jedi)


I rest my case ;)


not cool. :p




Wouldn't that just be an 'ordinary' vampire Jedi?


Um, i thought i said in IM about those vamps can feed off of all types of blood, but they also use Midichlorains to do more force driven abilities along side their typical Vampiric ones.

Due to their undead bodies, the Midichlorians die after a certain point of time or prolonged use of the midchlorains.

So in order to recharge them the vampire would have to feed off the blood of at least a force sensitive

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Originally posted by Scarface2k2

Um, confused now...


(Resolved over AIM)


Everyone: Scar's vampires don't go "poof". They decay into ash/dust. It's like going poof except without any 'explosion' involved. So when I said they go poof, I was misunderstanding things. K? ;)


No, I ment it like even if I know the specs and history of a race in this RPG, I can't have a character with in it. Of course I created my things, but mainly due to that I feel like i have to compete agenst those races becuase alot of those details in them make them better then a typical Jedi (the Aesir VS a Jedi = a dead Jedi)






(And Aesir vs Jedi may or may not be a dead Jedi. It could be a dead Aesir. We haven't seen one against the other yet.)




Um, i thought i said in IM about those vamps can feed off of all types of blood, but they also use Midichlorains to do more force driven abilities along side their typical Vampiric ones.

Due to their undead bodies, the Midichlorians die after a certain point of time or prolonged use of the midchlorains.

So in order to recharge them the vampire would have to feed off the blood of at least a force sensitive


Yeah so...that's what I meant. As opposed to BD's thing, which looks like yet another race of vamps.

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First: Okay, thats good enough for me.


Second: okay then. I still don't see the equilences between the two races but hell! :p


third: yes, a normal vamp can't suck jedi's blood and can use the force. the tissues from the body when the person was no undead, are needed for that (hence the new vamp race).

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Originally posted by Scarface2k2

No, I ment it like even if I know the specs and history of a race in this RPG, I can't have a character with in it. [/b]


Which race are you reffering to?


(the Aesir VS a Jedi = a dead Jedi)


Well yes that is true the Aesir vs a Jedi would mean that the Jedi would be killed. I mean when pitting an entire race against a lone Jedi then of course the Jedi will eventually die.


A Jedi vs An Aesir doesn't mean a dead Jedi. There are to many factors to make such a blatant statement...

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see thats the information that I had seemed to have lacking with, more or less not being told of. I get the impression that the aesir being a more powerful race then humans, other then the aesir lives longer etc...

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in comparasin to the jedi are the aesir (how one can go toe-to-toe, becuase i ge tthe sense that the aesir are alot more stronger and powerful compared to humans)


im not trying to pick fights with WH Irvine and a Aesir, its just how i have to make my characters 'deal' with yours

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