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Does LeChuck have a heart?


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LeChuck is undoubtebly bad.

We see LeChuck as irredeemably evil in the later games but in the first two games we do see echoes of humanity.


In MI1 when you first go into the Scumm Bar, you get to hear the fantastic Ghost story LeChuck. A pirate who was so enamoured with Elaine, that when she told him to 'drop dead' - he did!


But even after death he tries to marry her.


At the very least this shows a strong fascination/ lust for her.

But is this love? Well, its certainly significant if his feelings for her killed him, then bought him back from the dead so he could try and marry her.


But Certain questions must be answered.


Is there any evidence that LeChuck was evil before he died?


In MI1 isnt it said that LeChuck killed his crew after he died? ( I haven't played MI1 for awhile so do correct me if im wrong)


How could LeChuck die just because Elaine told him to? Was his love so strong that he couldn't take the rejection?


What is the reason for the bond between Guybrush & LeChuck in MI2?

IE the the same coat (one's blue, the other's red), the skeletons who Guybrush recognises as that of his parents also having a parental effect on LeChuck? (in the voodoo sense)


LeChuck although bad, has loved. The question should be did Elaine make him that way?

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you must remember that the whole elaine telling him to drop dead thing was probably a joke, not so much from the writers, but a small 'sort of' joke from the pirate telling the story, basically saying that elain said this and then he finally died and became a havock reaking lechuck. but as stated in CMI, to win the heart of elain, lechuck went to find big whoop and found himself at the gates of hell where be basically died and became a ghost, this for the love of elaine, so in a sense, he died for elaines love.


but now we have to ask whether the poser of Big Whoop makes people evil. well no, again in cmi, lechuck explains that while he was alive, he married minnie goodsoup (oh great, now i remember her name) and stole her engagement diamond to buy a ship so to beat HT marley to big whoop. surely he must have been a little evil before he died.


but he does have a heart, i believe that he has done all of these things because of his love for elaine, guybrush just got in the way and so he needed to kill guybrush, but in the end, it was all for love.

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Originally posted by SamNMax


Yeah, that's the angle I'm after. Ozzy's a ghost in MI5 and kills Herman, and kidnappes Elaine (That sounds firmiler). Guybrush and LeChuck team up to get her back. Ozzy says to face him at Blood Island to get her back. Puzzle, puzzle, puzzle. Crew, whatever, whatever. Islands, Islands, Islands. They find Largo is working for Ozzy. At the end they go to Blood. After a fierse battle, Largo kills Guybrush (Remember what the Voodoo Lady says in MI3?). LeChuck, (Ghost form). Enters Guybrush's body and revives him. They kill Largo and Ozzy, get the girl, and stuff. LeChuck's soul go's to Heaven since he saved a life.


The End

Too bad for Toothrot.


erm, but what motive does Ozzy have to kill Herman and kidnap Elaine? you're forgeting that the main ingridient in a villain is a motive!


and as for Lechuck being evil before he died...well, dont forget that he WAS a pirate...killing and plundering is part of his job!


Besides, there's no such thing as a badguy...

we play the role of guybrush...lechuck just happens to be his enemy...so for us, playing the part of Guybrush, lechuck is our enemy


but if we would play the role of lechuck from the begining of the triology...we would think guyrbush is the villain (a wimpy villain, but a villain nontheless)

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we also need to look at things from lechucks point of veiw, like anakin skywalker, in the first star wars trilogy (4-6) we thought vader was the bad guy, but we now know that he isn't because we're seing anakins story. lechuck may hev been good, but had a bad childhood, or problems growing up. i know it sounds like a Tv soap or something, but it could have happened, you never know.

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Originally posted by Mr Pumblechook

We see LeChuck as irredeemably evil in the later games but in the first two games we do see echoes of humanity.


Originally posted by Le Chuck in MI2

im gonna rip your bones off while u r still alive and make me a chair. i ll call it may screaming chair, and i ll sit in it everyday to hear u scream.

indeed, very human :p

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i'm not too sure that he was that human in mi2 (despite having more physical elements to him (i.e, you could actually touch him without the fear of your hand going through him when he wasn't concentrating hard enough). i think in the first one, it was all about elaine but more about revenge to guybrush in mi2 (hence the name). but then in mi3, the opening credits showed all of his humanity and love for elaine and (although very extremely sadistic) was truly doing this for her. then mi4 went way out there but in the end, it was all for elaine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What if Lechuck.....really is a monkey!? :eek:

*g* sorry about that..


Well.. of course he has a heart.. in a wierd-evil-kind-of-way.. his only prob is that he loves Elaine.. and that Elaine loves guybrush!

In CMI before guybrush turns into a kid... Guybrush actually shows feelings.. how freaky isn't that? ;)



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What if Lechuck.....really is a monkey!? :eek:

*g* sorry about that..


Well.. of course he has a heart.. in a wierd-evil-kind-of-way.. his only prob is that he loves Elaine.. and that Elaine loves guybrush!

In CMI before guybrush turns into a kid... Lechuck actually shows feelings.. how freaky isn't that? ;)



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