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eh... those 2 questions?


1: Briar alternative fire recharge function?

It is not in DF, but the Briar certainly needs an alternative firing mechanism like all the other weapons have.

I think we'll leave it as is.

=> Temujin: simply don't use it, always take primary Briar fire ;)


About the damage... What do you meant by this?

I just tried the demo and the recharged alt fire knocks down a commando, so there is clearly a damage!


2. Imperial Repeater ?

In fact two points here:

a) Secondary fire is now fixed

b) shell reloading animation not done yet


Other questions?

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When the demo was released I remember Darth_Linux saying specifically that they didn't want the alternate bryer fire, and they were having rouble getting rid of it. They also said that it wasn't doing anymore damage but they couldn't get rid of the animation thing. That's where I was coming from anyway. Could we see more pictures of that sweet repeater?

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Originally posted by Temujin

When the demo was released I remember Darth_Linux saying specifically that they didn't want the alternate bryer fire, and they were having rouble getting rid of it. They also said that it wasn't doing anymore damage but they couldn't get rid of the animation thing. That's where I was coming from anyway. Could we see more pictures of that sweet repeater?


I remember hearing the same thing.


Can you guys make the standard fire of the E-11 like its alt fire? Or is it like that already?

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When the demo was released I remember Darth_Linux saying specifically that they didn't want the alternate bryer fire, and they were having rouble getting rid of it. They also said that it wasn't doing anymore damage but they couldn't get rid of the animation thing.


He did. I was the one working for hours trying to get rid of it. We can now (we have source code). Bear in mind Fracman wasn't around at that time, so was unaware of this. I guess it is open to debate. What do you want people?



Could we see more pictures of that sweet repeater?


No :p


Can you guys make the standard fire of the E-11 like its alt fire? Or is it like that already?


Yep, it is already like that :)

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Well, since the E-11 is rapid fire all the way, I can link my left mouse button to primary fire for DF.


I would prefer it not being there personally. I never truly found a use for it, and if you really wanna pack as much punch as the Bryar's big bolt, get in your opponents face with the Repeater on secondary fire. I beat DF using that gun alone (except when facing the DTs...)


*** I understand you don't get the repeater unless you go out of your way in level 4, but there aren't many stormies that pose to much of a threat in levels 1-4, are there? TDs take them all out in Fest, and if you waste your time charging a bolt on the Bryar on Talay, you're as good as dead. Just run with E-11 blazing until all the Imps are as charred up as the DT victims! :D:p:D

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Yeah, except the E-11 in JO is UNBELIEVABLY INACCURATE. In DF it's pretty good for taking out enemies at medium range. In JO it seems like if you're shooting in rapid-fire mode at a target more than about ten meters away then a large majority of your shoots will miss. I relied heavily on charged-up Bryar shots to get through the non-lightsaber levels of JO. Plus, the primary fire of the Bryar in JO is so weak it's almost useless.

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I can work out a way to get the axe in one level and keep it or, if the team wishes, discard it when the level is over.



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Yeah hopefully democracy will generate that the Gammorrean axe isn't there. no offence Michael Collins but I don't really think that would be a good idea (However when I used to play Dark Forces way back in 96 I thought that would be a cool idea) but no not really now I can hardly see Kyle using a vibro axe for that kell dragon plus it makes it so much easier, that level really made you use your fists for once aswell. (However a cheat of it in would be cool!)

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I'm just trying to work this out, but why do some people want the axe as a usable weapon? Ask yourself, what would it add to the game? It just seems like a case of "if it's there, I want to use it". But why? With all the weapons from the original Dark Forces there doesn't seem to be a point in adding NPC weapons to the mix. I know this isn't meant to be a total recreation of the original game, but this sort of addition doesn't make the mod any better and doesn't fit in with the rest. I just get the impression the vibroaxe would work too much like the lightsaber, with everybody using that for the duration of the game rather than the 'normal' weapons. Just my $0,02.

And I'm looking forward to seeing more of the repeater!

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There is only one time it would prove useful, and that being on Jabba's ship when you have yet to aquire your gear and all you have are 5 TDs.


But wouldn't that make it to easy? Punching the crap outta Gammoreans was hard and proved more challenging than blowing one up with the TD and taking out the rest with the axe you got from the first one until you get your gear.


And you couldn't use the axe like a saber. No way to deflect bolts, so you are as good as dead if you choose to have it out. :rolleyes:


What other NPC weapons are you talking about in the poll besides the axe though? Are there really any others you don't get?

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Oh, that'd have a point. There's just one officer after you'd get that weapon.

Katarn07: I know it can't deflect bolts (although, you never know in Star Wars) but I was thinking more of the way you swing the weapon around. It really wouldn't add anything in any case. And other NPC weapons; I can't recall anything. Unless you want to run around slapping stormtroopers with a Dianoga tentacle?

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I just see it as a waste of time of those making the mod.
Well, we need to make an Axe anyway for the Gamorrean. I'm not 100% knowledgeable on weapon coding, but I would think once it was done for an NPC that it wouldn't be that much more work to translate it to the player.


And you couldn't use the axe like a saber. No way to deflect bolts, so you are as good as dead if you choose to have it out.
No more dead than fists, I'd believe. And there are trigger happy folks out there that have a tendency to run outta ammo. Just need to "stick and move". :D


I can see the Axe as a viable option, but it needs to be pretty powerful yet somewhat slow. If it's a little slow, the most it'll be good for is taking out one or two enemies. Any more than that and you'll be in the middle of major crossfire, and the sheer numbers can cause some serious damage.


And with the way many encounters work (as far as I remember anyway), you have to fight enemies that are at a good distance or height, or in moderate numbers. That right there limits it's usefulness to certain situations, but I think it could come in handy often enough to justify it's use. Going up against one opponent would work extremely well. Dodge, Smack, Dead. Wouldn't need to be as accurate as fists, and should be much more deadly.


In my opinion, the axe could be a good addition as a sort of "upgrade" to fists, and can see why some want to have it. If balanced right, it could be a fairly formidable weapon. I do admit that is not necessary, but between novelty and use, I can see there being a place for it.

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I did just a few weeks ago over Spring Break.


I thought you meant another part of the game. I see no point in adding those. After killing Mohc, there is a single officer left...


(any one else find that is the last enemy slightly amusing!? I do :p)

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Unless you want to rip the weapons out of an interrogation droid or a turret the only weapons in the game that are not used are


the ax (I don't think that the Gamorreans ever had the vibro switched on, they hack people up with it off as a show of strength)


The officer pistol


The boss dark trooper weapon


The prototype dark trooper weapon (never used by anything but still in the game)


and that’s it. (I think)


The only other weapon I can think of even mentioned related to the game is the Bryar rifle. (Which is what the pistol was before Kyle modified it.)


So the only extra weapons that could be fit into the regular course of the game are the ax and officer pistol.

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