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all non melee units are anti air?


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Hvy Weapns Factory -> AA Mech


There's your vehicle.


I'd like to see a 2 in 1 turrent that shoots everything. Since when did we see an Anti-Air weapon in Star Wars? They're all laser based weapons. They should be able to shoot both Air and Ground.

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ahh.. Sith Master has plagued us with that darned saying


How is it against Gameplay or for Realism? I've never seen missile turrents take out a Starfighter. Maybe if they added a "Special" laser turrent that can shoot both, then I'd be happy.

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oh the hell with the realism<gameplay saying its annoying the hell out of me. How does a laser turrent that shoots air take from gameplay? It makes it a lot less annoying building less buildings and it makes you have be prepared to counter aa more effectively at tech 2 (if there'll still be tech levels in swgb2)


oh and swphreak whyd you change your avatar. i liked the last one better...:D

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sigh... this is a strategy game.

what's the strategy in having 1 unit to kill all others? there isn't much strategy in that. it's not a "ooh let's look at the pretty units" type of game... the game is to adapt to the opponents strategy or to make him adapt to yours. if you cant play it the way it is, don't play it. it seems like the only people complaining about it are the people who suck at it. if you dont like it, dont play it and shut up so we dont have to hear these useless and baseless arguements you make.

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