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Half-Life HELP!!!


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Ok I might be the most stupidest person on the net, but I need some one to give me a link to a website THAT ACTUALLY HAS the Team Fortress Classic full update. All the yahoo searches lie it just leads to the update- which is 82 mgs (btw i'm using 56k, so I'm just trying to get my new halflife game up to snuff so i can play......AND IF YOU LOVE TFC.....PLZ HELP ME





Sincerely, the dumbest person on the net, and also your newest best friend if you give me the right website


P.S. don't just find the link, try it(you don't have to download it, just click it, and if it takes you to the download screen exit and some reply to this thread).

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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

Hey thanks, man that peice of **** download, i really appritiate the info, also I HOPE YOU TRIED IT BEFORE YOU WROTE IT, anyways thanks.




Whoa, there! You don't need to be a jerk about it. In the future, just tell him it didn't give you what you wanted...


*** I see you said thanks, but still. And do you not know what "Administrator" means?

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Ok, sorry about th ALL CAPS thing, but I was just askin him if he'd tried it before he put it here....but that is like 3mgs less....and I found out the so called "new" five pack (ya know the one with the five games in it), and my TFC is at, so does any one know where to find,,



and i'll try to go easier on the caps. THANX!!! :D

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