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New Mod: Legend of Zelda: The Dead Returns. Now recruiting helpers.


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lukeskywalker1 and myself are starting a new mod for jk2. It is like a new Zelda game. To see what we have come up with so far go here.


Now, I am mapping and doing weapon models. We need a player modeler, a coder, a modeler in general for map objects and any other editors that would like to help. Please this could be a great mod but we need some help from some of you. You can contact us here, through PM's or through email. To contact me through email send it here but lets try to keep it on the boards if possible.

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We Need a Coder And a Player Modeler!


I'm teaching Brodin to model weapons and he is making the Kokori Sword, So far we have:


3 mappers (Myself, Brodin, lukeskywalker1)

2 weapon modelers (Myself, Brodin)



EDIT: Sorry for the double post, didn't realize

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oh man, i just got back from our other thread matt..... not good news read this email.......






We appreciate your interest in Nintendo and our highly acclaimed line of video game products. To us, it's a sign of recognition and your vote of confidence in the Nintendo name.


While we appreciate your request, we regret that we are unable to provide support or grant a license for use of our trademarks and copyrights. Nintendo is a registered trademark of Nintendo of America Inc. In addition, Nintendo owns valid U.S. trademarks and copyrights for all of our game titles, characters and game audiovisual works. To protect our rights, we must exercise very close quality control over their use. Because we receive so many requests such as yours, we cannot accommodate them all, however deserving the cause.





Nintendo of America Inc.

J.J. Craig McClure



not to cool huh? dont know what u guyz are ganna do but, until nintendo says yes, i guess im out.:(

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Hmmm, very disappointing, this is........



All I can say is this..........




..........Try making a story/mod similar to Zelda, but with a different story and characters of your own creation, however still keeping the same exciting action of the original Zelda. See what I'm saying?

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Originally posted by zeek2304

How about posting some screen shots of this progress you have mentioned from time to time.


how about there were screenshots of the link model, click on matt-liells sig, also the project started but it never really got moving..... because (i dont know if you have read the whole thread) but nintendo wont grant us permission to make that mod.

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Thankyou wise and powerful lukeskywalker1. I looked at the link model. So I'm confused . . . you guys don't read the forums then? If you did you would know that people run into this thing all the time. What you do is change the color and the name like that one guy said. Check out bid for power for Quake III. Same thing happened.

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Yeah, those guys planned to make a Dragon Ball Z mod for Quake III until Funimation e-mailed them saying they would sue if they did. So that's when that mod team decided to make a similar story with different characters and different attacks.

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