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PA PvP one on one


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setsuko you said that PvP would be dominated by PAs but dont you get to determine who you enter PvP with? I know about TEFs but if you choose to fight one guy does that automatically let all his buddies get TEFs so they can come after you too? it seems that you could accept to fight only one of them and fight it out one on one without getting your lone ranger busted up by a group.

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im not sure i understand, is the entire world like a battlefield? it seems you could get killed by a mob of players anywhere in the world that way. i guess my question is how do you know if you are in a battlefield or somewhere where you challenge someone to a dual?

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Ok, I may be waaaayyy off here, but:


You can duel anyone (anyone that accepts the challange of course) almost anywhere. You don't need to go to a battlefield to do this. And when you duel someone, it's 1 on 1. That's it.


A battlefield is a place where anyone can fight anyone, except their own faction. In here, thousands (maybe exagerating alittle ;) ) of players can duke it out.

I would imagine, the way you know when you have entered a battlefield is that the game tells you this. :)

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Ok, let me clear things up. Sheesh, I'm away for two days, and it's CHAOS in here! :D


PvP can be 1on1, yes. It is called duels. It is made up of one player challangeing the other, and that player is free to choose whether to leave the offender alone of strike him down in zealous fury. Or just hit him. ;)


But that is a minor area, I'll tell you where the true and massive PvP will be, it will be in these two areas:




If these are made to be stunning and well designed, they will be played more or less like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Battlefield 1942 or any such game. You wait until the battlezone is respawned, you play it, win or lose, and starts waiting again. Who do you think will be the most successful, the players who runs alone and operate alone, or the group who is used to fight together? The group, of course. This has been the case since Quake 1, and so it will always be. And that is good, because that is what makes those games anything else than a asocial experience. And MMORPGs are about what, class? Yes, socializing. These group of players will surely belong to a PA. So, PAs will dominate the battlefields, the first main area of PvP. And it is ok, since this is sort of a metagame, a counterstrike in SWG so to say.


The Galactic Civil War


In this, all overt players are ALWAYS targets for overt players of the other side. TEFs and such means nothing, other than that covert players gets overt for a while if they help their overt friends. In this, well coordinated groups will be more successful, because 10 imperials at the same place fights better than 2 imperials. Roaming groups of rebels and imperials fight against each other, and that is very in character. Lone overt characters who gets attacked by these bands are sitting ducks. Which is very much in characters. If you are... well... stupid (in lack of kinder words) to be overt and not have the backup for it, do yourself a favour and get good at hiding. These roaming bands of imperials and rebels looking for a fight will, again, propably be in a PA, which means that PAs will dominate both sides in this PvP conflict. Which is totally fine by me, war is war, and a lone man wins no wars.


You understand better now what I meant? Neither of these major arenas of PvP will rely on 1on1 combat. And why it is fine and dandy that these arenas are dominated by groups? Because you are free to be untouchable by these groups. Just be careful at battlezones and don't go overt. If you want to do any of these PvP well, get the posse to back you up, or you are bound to meet twelwe angry Wookies with shining grins, large blunt objects in their hands and a protocol droid asking the question:


"You, and what army?"

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Originally posted by legameboy

thnx for setting that straight, would it be possible to have 100 vs 100?


Yes, it is very possible.It is all up to how good you can coordinate your forces. If both sides in the GCW agrees that on a specific server, at a specific time, at a specific place on a specific planet, the amount of players could be measured in hundreds.


Most likely, some places on each servers will become more popular by GCW PvPers, since it is convenient with areas where there is always players ready for action. These places can eventually bear witness to some really sweet action.

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