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Operation: "Iraqi Freedom"


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I think it should have been changed to; "Operation: Freedom for God's country America and all those who adhere to its values and\or rush to kiss its hallowed ass. The rest of you backward-thinking camel-fucking towel-headed devil-spawn can rot hell where you damn well belong, you heathens!"


God bless America!

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I think BBC1 is stuck in some kind of incredibly irritating loop.


"War on Iraq"

"Attacked Military Leaders! Could be Saddam! Could end there says American Intelligence!"

"George Bush is gonna take more of your money, he went on the Television!"

"War on Iraq!"

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Finally, I have something good to say about America! I've been reading reports that surrendering Iraqi military units are being allowed to keep their sidearms and go back to their bases. That's pretty damn sporting of the Yanks, I feel. A man feels that much more like a man with a piece at his side. For a soldier that's especially important. Of course, the desicion isn't fueled entirely by generosity and a sense of fair play - the Americans simply don't want to have to lug a hundred thousand prisoners around the desert that would have to be simultaneously protected and guarded. I guess when you hold all the aces, there isn't much honour in passing a few high cards around the table. But then, the Iraqis do get to remain armed and head home. I doubt a prisoner of war anywhere could lay claim to getting a better deal than that.

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i like war

but they should be honest about it.


U.S presidential speach:

(as it should have been)


my fellow americans,

we had a terrorist attack

perpetrated against us.

it was tragic,

we spent a lot of time

cleaning up the ruins.

americans sent money

to the red cross

to help the families

of theose affected,

the red cross bought

computer equipment instead.

we then went to afghanistan

historically the break water

of all wars. alexander the great

could not conquer it,

the russians had their own

private vietnam there.

so we went out and spent

a lot of money kicking stones

in the middle of nowhere

nomadic goats

smirked all the while.

now we have put together

a whole bunch of new weapons,

we have to kick some ass

so the world does not see

that we are weak.

so because my daddy

had problems with him

and it's a bit of a family issue

plus we really need the oil bad

and it will be great for our ecconomy

we are going over their to liberate

that poor oil for ourselves.

and yes we did go into Kuwait

during the gulf war

and the people renamed

a street for us

but now popular sentiment

is against us.

it is in pakistan too

and turkey for that matter.

also in saudi arabia,

hell all the arabs states

dislike us,

the people are all following

religious leaders urging them

to kill every israelite and american

so the world will be a better place

and the governments of these countries

are powerless to stop populic opinion

and public sentiments,

so knowing we are not wanted

there or in Korea,

we will just hang around.

now we gave saddm 12 years

and days and days of

we will attack soon

we will attack soon

boy oh boy

this is just the skirmish

we will begin

kicking serious ass

any day now,

howerever if you guys

could sort of initiate

a middle eastern

'bay of pigs'

sort of thing and oust

your leader for us

we would appreciate it.

(and i mean we did not punish)

saddam the first time for the

catostophic enviromental terrorism

he commited blowign those oil wells.

hell the UN if it really had teeth

should have banished Iraq

to non world status forever

for that one, and the US

and all the allies should have

gone in and liberated Iraq

and brought Saddam to justice

for that, but we only wanted

to weaken the country just enough

so that we could get some coin

out of the oil.

now unlike fiction;

oil is not the spice melange

yet the middle east is dune

and the arab nations

are the fremen.

and if you ever read dune

you would know that fremen

even their women and children

will fight to make sure

not one single Harkohnen lives

and even sadurkar against them

is not a good idea.

so we the west

the G7 or 8 world

should simply switch to solar,

and all other alt power sources.

tell the 3 car manufacturrers

to start producing.

set up wind turbines

learnt how cold fusion works.

and stop dealing

with the middle east completely.

after all they have one and only one

viable export, and are in need

of everything else from us.

let them have their oil

they can't eat it.

and we should charge $100 dollars

per orange, per needle, per bandage,

per anything technological, or elsewise

since it costs $100 dollars US

per barrel of oil.

and americans jumped the gun

with the japanese in WW2

now we are all so PC that

we should almost be doing it now,

or rather all middle eastern people

who feel that america is a bad place

and americans are souless infedels

in league with satan, well here's

a parachute for when we fly you over

and dump you back into the country

you came from. since it is so

ideologically pure. please don't let

the door bite your ass on the way out.

also all these middle eastern countries

who say they are against terrorism

yet they fund them, why does anyone

americans included need anonymous

bank accounts in switzerland

or the caymans? all those funds

should be taken. case and point.

and all these terrorist and religious

leaders coming to america to educate

themselves and then return home

so that they can fill illiterate peoples

heads full of anti western propoganda.

and all the while here at least

in canada the canadian arab federations

president has the following to say:

'if islamic terrorists can sneak into

canada and get past your security

good for them! it's your problem

that your not vigilent enough.'

'and media and journalists

should not use or introduce

the term islamic terrorist

into the common venacular.

yes these people are middle eastern

and yes they are islamic

and yes they are terrorists

and yes they say that

alah has commanded that they kill

every single israelite and american

and that they will die and go to

our islamic version of heaven

and get 70 wives and 70 mistress'

but that does not make them

fundamentalist islamic terrorists.

*anyways you'll have noticed

it stopped being a speach,

and became a rant; oh say

when i began really*

anyhwo americans

as your president

i just want to

say this to you all:

we are bombing them with

cruise missiles

(i would say they qualify as)

weapons of mass destruction.

and we have high tech satelities

in space, and we have B52 bombers

always up their spying, er rather

collecting topographical information.

<if Saddam had this technology

it would be evil> but we have it

so it okay.

and we will send bombs into Iraq

from way outside their borders

and these missiles will fly

under the radar,

so they can not be detectected

<and if Saddam, sent missiles

such as these at us it would be evil>

but because we do it is okay.

and Iraqis will learn how

humane our soldiers really are.

<and Saddam is bad, real bad,

an agent of evil, because he builds

government and military instalations

inside populated areas where civilians

can get hurt> but we have ourselves

the White House and The Pentagon

inside a populated area, where

civilians and tourists can get hurt;

but that is okay, cause we are

the good guys. and we deffend the world.

after all we won WW2, don't let the fact

that we sat out 2\3rds or more of it

before getting involved.

anyhow america

this is why we go to war.

don't let anyone tell you

it is an illegal war,

(as if such an oxymoron even exists)

yes God Bless America!

and the only good Saddam

is a Dead Saddam.


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I'm for the war.


Not because I like to see innocent women and children killed but I want to see Iraq liberated and its leader overthrown.


How the world can stand back and let Saddam continually beef up his supply of weapons of mass destruction and treat 'his' people how he does is beyond me...


In my opinion peace protesters are very nieve people, you have to understand that the people of Iraq don't want to live under the rule of Saddam any londer, they hate his regime and long to be free. Sure, there are some who support him but many don't.


This war is just, it is needed and the world will be a better place once it's finished and the people of Iraq liberated.

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You also have to understand the reasons why the American government have chosen to liberate Iraq rather than other nations that are suffering a great deal more. North Korea are also known to have "tha bomb" and hundreds of thousands are starving because Jong spends too much on purchasing guns and explosives. The Palestineans and the Israelites have suffered for long enough too. Blah Blah etc.


I do see the benefits of this war, but I don't think this is the best way to go about it. The Iraqis who want to be liberated will leave the country anyway, and probably never return, and in order to "liberate" them, we will first have to kill them. America forced the sanctions upon Iraq, profited from them, enforced them, bombed Iraqi civilians regularly, and now, for some reason, they've just decided to "liberate" them without finding any weapons of mass destruction or "liberating" the more obvious targets first. It's pure coincidence that Iraq holds a certain natural resource that the US are running out of / losing control of.


There is really only one reason the US will be bombing Iraq, the others are just bonuses. In the long run, this is just going to increase the number of terrorist attacks on the US.


Protestors only want to get out of work, Protesting never really helps when it's just people waving signs.

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*the following may sound oddball and kooky*


I wonder about something personally,

George W spoke on and on about Saddam's

vast store of Biological and Chemical

warfare capabilities; ANd just before

the War beginns and everyone assumes

Bush got the first licks in SARS suddenly

is coming to the USA and the UK and I bet

Australia next. I mean it is sudden,

and scientists and doctors have never seen

it's like before. (someone reported to

knowing how to produce Anthrax

and Small Pox, well SARS couldn't be that much more difficult and it is only hollywood

but Osmosis Jones the virus villian Drax,

he planned to invade Frank with something

as innocuos as the common cold.

so there are islamic factions in the far

east now. so if I was going to mastermind

a viral assault I would do the following

(A) start it as far away from me as possible.

Asia is pretty far. (B) I would infect non

arabic people. © I would target a group

of people who would have reason to visit

the USA, the UK, Australia and Europe.

*I do not seem to sound racist and if this

is I appologize in advance* but people from

Hong Kong or other parts of Asia are more

likely to visit the rest of the world

than the middle east. I mean most of here

in North America will never visit

the middle east especially if a war is on.

so starting a disease in the far east and

letting it sweep across to the west

is a plan indeed. (D) lastly a antidote.

Saddam might have an antidote which he is not

going to share with non islamic people.

or he may be wanting to go down in flames

with all his people coming with him.


*at any rate because I do not have a life

I tend to think of stuff like this.


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