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2nd Place at a Halo Tournament

ET Warrior

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I just thought I'd tell you all that me and my friend placed 2nd at a Halo tournament yesterday. If any of you ever check igames.org they have a spring Halo season going on now, that was the first divisional tournament yesterday.


It was a really really fun time. If any of you play Halo multiplayer i suggest logging on and getting an igames account and signing up for the next divisional. It's April 19, and there are a lot of game centers around the country so most of you in the US can partake if you want. entry fee is 30 dollars per 2 man team....


Even if you're not that great, it's still pretty fun just to get to play multiplayer against a bunch of people you don't know


Here's a Link to the bracket of the tournament I was in......our team is the Uber Nerds.......;)

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oh man, Halo is god, i remember before my 2 buddies (the most recent ones to leave) went to the Marines, we used to sit in one's basement for HOURS just playing that game, there were like 14 of us playing (sometimes w/2 x-boxes, but mostly w/just one w/4 controllers) and boy was it fun, we got pretty damned good at it, it was wierd though, cuz we are/were all hardcore partiers and athletes, and there were 4 girls who you wouldn't expect to play like that either and you wouldn't expect to see people like us sitting around all day on our asses just playing a game, but it was pretty fun, but now 3 of them went to military (2 to war 1 to pres. support) so there's no more Halo-thons :(:(, i miss those days

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