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What planets would you like to see?


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Well, I was bored at school and started thinking about SWG... which was probably a bad thing since it was during Algebra 2 and I probably should have been paying attention but anywho...


I started thinking about which planets I would like to see in SWG. Here are some of the ones I would like to see:


1) Kessel: I know it's not much but it would have been interesting.


2) Coruscant: Well duh. But you probably wouldn't be able to do much PvP or battling because... well there's no where else to battle but in the streets and maybe some Stadium somewhere.


3) Nar Shadda. The Smuggler's moon. Now who wouldn't want to see that? All the scum of the Galaxy at one place. You could pick up your mercs or bounty hunters from here, and do "not so legal stuff" here.


That's all I could remember after class. If I think of any other planets I'll post it.


What planets would you all like to see?

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-Tatoonie in game

-Endor in game

-Yavin 4 in game

-Naboo (Theed City) in game


but Hoth, Geonosis, and Cloud City would be awesome. And I can't believe I forgot about Ord Mantell! They could even have the SpaceRace Derby thingy there every month or so when the game comes out. That'd be cool

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Hoth is the planet I would like to see out of all of the planets in the SW galaxy. Why? Because of the snow, for some reason in all types of games my favorite setting is snow. I think later on, maybe in acouple of years they could have Hoth as a rebel planet where people with Rebel factions would go, and maybe the Death Star (rebuilt) as a place where people with Imp factions would go.

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I personally like seeing all the planets from all 5 movies in Star Wars Galaxies.








Yavin 4



Cloud City



Put in a few that were mentioned in the movies like:



Ord Mantell


Kasyassk (Wookie Homeworld)

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