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Darth Kane

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Hey guys, remember me. I reckon that grenadiers should actually have grenades or grenade lauchers... NOT MORTARS for god's sake. If they wanted mortars they should have called them mortar men or mortar troopers or something but they sure as hell don't use grenades.:atat:

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With explosive yields increased(the research of the same name) within a trooper strong civ those things are devasting any mech. You can just mass a good bunch of them and sned them against any kind of mechs. They are especially strong vs pummels and are quite good at destroying them. Boy I can't count how many times those things saved me from a strike mech rush!

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I never really paid attention to grenaiders. I guess they do act like a mortar soldier. I guess they could fix that to make it look like a guy is throw a grenade. I also think that troopers should have multiple weapons and specialize in certain areas.

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They don't have more than one weapon. Anti-air are just anti-air. Grenadiers are grenadiers, Laser troopers are just laser troopers and Mounties are just troopers on animals with flawthrowers. I mean each trooper should be given at least two weapons. Like greanadeir should also have a laser pistol. Anti-air should either be removed and all troopers fire at air or if they leave them in give them a blaster pistol. Mounties should also have a blaster pistol and flamethrower. Only laser troopers should have laser rifles and repeating weapon.

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having troops that just slung grenades would just be...........excuse my frog...........GAY.


i think repeaters should be able to sling grenades every 10 or so shots.

that would be cool.


but mortars are for sure needed in any ground comabt.

they should be bigger and more wide area affective though.

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Grenadiers should definately not throw grenades. Why would they do that if they could use the possible 10 range they can get later?

I don't think mounties r that effective against jedi. If the masters (knights aren't used as much since the t4 dominates the games timewise) fight mounties and survive even with minimal hps they have potential to heal either by self-regeneration or medics. And they also slaughter mounties. Mounties are ridiculously inexspensive so i would have to test it out.

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Or they could be like most RTS companies and twist the facts (count the units with two attacks as two separate units). I'm still seething over the "11 new units" in the Conquers (there was one truly new unit, and it sucked so horrible no one used it, that is except me during the campaigns).

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