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Farscape Mod Needs Team!!!


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That greatly depends on who will get involved with it.


What I was hoping for was at least a basic asthetic alteration to the existing multi-player game. Several levels based on the Farscape universe with custom made players, pickups, and sounds that would be used in them. If more people became involved I could see to doing more. Therefore, I'm not setting a standard goal yet simply because not enough people have shown interest in helping out.



To let people know how my recruitment is turning out, so far I've recieved only 3 responses. one from someone who wants to do skins, one for models, and one from a mapper who's willing to help out, but it's not enough to get this thing going. We are still in need of talented people, preferably modelers, but every position is still in need of filling



The fate of this 'mod' lies in the hands of those who have yet to join.

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Here we go,... maybe someone will see something that grabs their attention. If anyone else has anything they wish to contribute go ahead and post.














Keep in mind that these are all still works in progress, and we still need people to work on this.

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