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Hey Guys, i was interested in learning more about SWG. I was debating on getting PS(Planetside) or SWG


Now ps looks cool but i aint really into that kinda future stuff. They have a weapons page and a vehicles page @ there site. I couldnt find any info on weapons and vehicles! Anyone know a good site to find some pics and info on weapons and vehicles?


Also, why isnt the lightsaber included in SWG?


Thanks for the help....


Rambo out!


PS> How do you work the sigs?

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The reason why there are no weapons page yet, is because, noone has made them yet. :D


Sounds confusing? Not at all. You see, in Star Wars Galaxies, the players themself make the in-game weaponary, and eventually, vehicles, and even space ships in due time. Of course, you don't have to make one yourself, you can simply buy one from another player.


When I say there are no weapons in-game until players make them, that's not entirely true. You can buy NPC made, standard weapons and vehicles, but they are not as good as the ones you will get from a player.


As for the lightsaber:

Only Jedi can wield it properly.

Only Jedi can build one.

Only Jedi can repair and maintain it.


So if you come across one and you are not a Jedi (I'm not even sure anymore if you can ever wield it), be prepared to lose it over time to item decay. :)


For great info on everything you need to know about Galaxies, go to SWGalaxies.Net, the site that these forums belong to. :)

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You also need to realize that PS and SWG are totally different games. PS is basically a MMOFPS. A lot like Tribes2 but better and probably better made and implimented. So, if you like FPS multiplayer games you'll most likely like PS. If you like morrowind or for that matter any MMORPG than you probably like SWG. It'd be a good idea to check out the Official FAQ at the sight posted above my Wraith 8.

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Well it all depends on what you are looking for. The way SWG is looking it might be slow at times but extremely fun at other times. PS is a cool FPS, but might get boring over time. PS does not have the immense gameplay like SWG does.



I think both games will be awesome (although I can only get one)but if you are looking for something more long term I would go with SWG.


I am :)


Sunka Nipam

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It's not a twitch game like Jedi Knight, or Quake, or Unreal, etc.... :)

So, no, it won't be much like that.


The goal of this game is to live in the Star Wars galaxy, not to shoot the most stormtroopers in the shortest amount of time. ;) Although, if you wish, you can always try to. :D There's noone that will stop you, except maybe the stormtroopers. ;)


Just remember that your character which you play, rely on its skills with the blaster, not yours. ;) You tell it what to do, and it will do it to the best of its ability, which will improve every time you do the action.

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