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Binding Taunts in MP?


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Right, noob-ish type question I know but:


Are there alternative taunts in JO-MP? And/or victory taunts? I can only get the standard by binding \bind g +taunt but playing around, I can't get any others...


Does anyone know the command-codes for the others (like spinning the saber) ??


Cheers in advance...

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Originally posted by BLaCKouT_1138

Okey dokeys,

Do you know a) how I'll know if the server I'm on is running Vulcanis?

If you are using the in-game browser, if you hit the server info button, it will display what kind of mod they are running, like basejk, Volcanis, or whatever...
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A bit of an off topic question here, but what do all these mods really give you in terms of gameplay that vanilla 1.04 doesn't? The only difference I've seen is the double lightsaber and kissing animations. Can someone enlighten me?

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