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What would YOU do as a "blue glowie?"

Jodo Baas

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well what would i do if i was blue glowie...... ill tell you one thing before i even try become a blue glowie i would definetly just creat a reject rodian jedi and lear telekenisis and push people around start timing to see how long it would take for people to start shooting at me hehehehe



but then i might actually create a proper one

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In the Extended Universe, Palpatine is able to keep his spirit form intact by using the dark side of the force after Vader throws him down the shaft thing. Before he gets killed, he has a whole series of clones of himself made for that exact purpose. So he ends up inhabiting his clone and living on. He does this several times before finally getting betrayed and killed for good. So maybe as a blue glowie you will get another FSCS or perhaps be able to start over entirely? Or maybe(unlikely, but maybe) you'll be able to inhabit Jedi for short periods of time and take over their bodies :D Or maybe you'll be able to inhabit a :jawa: and go around making weird clicking/mumbling sounds.. :p

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