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Left handed?


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With the game and animations still in production, I don't see why it wouldn't take much more to include the left hand as an animation since you are picking your own character. Cuz I mean with the dual sabers, the animation for the left hand IS already there, so why not script it so when making the character, when choosing a saber, ask which hand will be the dominate...

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It would be good to see them implement left-handed saber combat, and left-handed guns. Although I've played mostly with my right hand on the mouse, I've been having some problems with pain in my right hand for a couple of months...and so I occasionally switch the mouse to my left.


The problem I have is that my brain can't cope with seeing a weapon on the righthand side of the screen, while I'm using my left hand to point. In games that allow it, I switch to a left-handed weapon view and I fare a lot better using my left hand.


How you lefty's have managed with right-hand only viewpoints i don't know...power to you. :thumbsup: But it's surely about time everyone had a fair whack, and so I think it's important to be able to choose.


As someone else said, would it not be possible to simply mirror the skeleton/animation sequences used for the right-hand combat? It might add to the file sizes, but that's hardly an issue these days when some cames come on multiple CDs.

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What would also be good is say that during a fight you lose your right hand, with the right settings, you might be able to then switch to your left hand so you can continue fighting, even though your health would be significantly reduced or whatever the system is.

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Being able to pick which hand to hold the saber is like picking which species to play as.. Its a personal matter which people want... So, If you want to be able to play as a Zarbak(SP?), then I say let people play with sabers/guns in their left hand,

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Well, I'd say it does matter, and it doesn't matter...


It does matter to those like StormHammer who are lefty and want the game to be able to let the player shoot/use the saber with the character's left hand.


It doesn't matter to those like us who are either A)Used to characters having just the right hand to shoot with, or are right-handed, so it wouldn't affect us either way.


So as you can see, it does and it doesn't matter.

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Originally posted by Andy867

It does matter to those like StormHammer who are lefty and want the game to be able to let the player shoot/use the saber with the character's left hand.


I'm not a lefty. I'm a bothy. :D I've usually been a righty, but I can work just as well in normal applications with my left hand - the reason for the switch is what I think is a touch of RSI in my right wrist/thumb/forefinger.


I'm not as good with my left hand in games as my right, but I'm improving. I'm sort of semi-ambidextrous as I can write (sort of legibly) with my left hand too, although I can't draw left-handed. Weird...


Anyway, I agree that it matters, so it should be there as a choice. Choice is the keyword. Choice is my friend. :D

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Ok, I sent an email off to Kenn Hoekstra yesterday, and today I got a reply


Originally Posted by Kenn Hoekstra

I believe the default and standard hand for a single saber or weapon is the right hand. I don't believe there will be an option to be left handed only.


I will forward along the suggestion, however...




Kenn Hoekstra

Project Administrator/

Director of Support Services

Raven Software Corporation




So, I did mention to do so to send off the suggestion as long as it wouldn't delay the game hopefully, but the fact of the matter was that a thread was created, so the idea is there. So hopefully, the animators and coders can implement the idea.

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Originally posted by Andy867

Ok, I sent an email off to Kenn Hoekstra yesterday, and today I got a reply


So, I did mention to do so to send off the suggestion as long as it wouldn't delay the game hopefully, but the fact of the matter was that a thread was created, so the idea is there. So hopefully, the animators and coders can implement the idea.


Let us hope they take it seriously. Good job, Andy867. :thumbsup:


And Kenn's always such a helpful guy...he rocks, IMHO. :)

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Well... the difference will only count as long as the saber isn't activated. So basically when you're carrying it about. Because with kendo, the style on which saber combat is based, a left handed swordsman still needs to hold the handle in the exactly the same fashion as a right handed one, he does however have a slight advantage since the left hand is used to produce power for the blow and the right one for fine control I believe. But in game , all the difference there would be, would be that the saber would be held in the left hand when walking about, and a slightly different activating animation.

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Well... the difference will only count as long as the saber isn't activated. So basically when you're carrying it about. Because with kendo, the style on which saber combat is based, a left handed swordsman still needs to hold the handle in the exactly the same fashion as a right handed one, he does however have a slight advantage since the left hand is used to produce power for the blow and the right one for fine control I believe. But in game , all the difference there would be, would be that the saber would be held in the left hand when walking about, and a slightly different activating animation.


Possibly...but we're talking about guns too, especially from 1st person where I'm concerned. :)

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Originally posted by Pedro The Hutt

Well... the difference will only count as long as the saber isn't activated. So basically when you're carrying it about. Because with kendo, the style on which saber combat is based, a left handed swordsman still needs to hold the handle in the exactly the same fashion as a right handed one, he does however have a slight advantage since the left hand is used to produce power for the blow and the right one for fine control I believe. But in game , all the difference there would be, would be that the saber would be held in the left hand when walking about, and a slightly different activating animation.

Speaking of which, have you noticed that Hayden Christensen does that? His left wrist is above his right. However, he spins the saber mostly with his right.


Mark Hamill did it too in ANH.

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Are you left-handed-jedis really bothered by the fact that you can't handle your weapon with your left hand in JO??

Seems like a minor detail to me, but then again, I am right handed :)


For the weapons it shouldn't be too hard to implement a left-handed feature, but it will be harder for the lightsaber, so I don't think Raven will do it :)

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it shouldnt be hard to implement it into the game since it will have dual sabers, so both hands will have the animations for swinging the saber, so really, it would just need touching up, along with scripting and key triggering in the User Menu when first making the character.

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Originally posted by Andy867

it shouldnt be hard to implement it into the game since it will have dual sabers, so both hands will have the animations for swinging the saber, so really, it would just need touching up, along with scripting and key triggering in the User Menu when first making the character.

It wouldn't be too hard, but it would still mean more work for something that is fairly insignificant. They probably just chose to spend the resources elsewhere.
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Well, before Kenn Hoesktra went to prepare for his little vacation, he sent word of the status of left-handed debate. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that you can use the left-handed animations for combos that can be executed. The bad news is, you are stuck with using the right-hand as the default hand for wielding weapons and the lightsaber. However, due to JediMod and its future releases, I feel that someone will be able to utilize the pre-exisiting left-handed animations to make a code/script for at least MP, if not MP and SP, that will allow the left-hand to be chosen as the dominate hand.

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I wonder if it can be a client side only mod. So that YOU see that you weild weapons lefthanded, and you opponents see the normal animation. But it would be cool to see it in 3rd person too :)


I'm more excited about holding your lightsaber, eh, the other way around, so that it points downwards. You could do some serious blocking with that stance :)

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Originally posted by Andy867

The good news is that you can use the left-handed animations for combos that can be executed. The bad news is, you are stuck with using the right-hand as the default hand for wielding weapons and the lightsaber.


Well, it's a crying shame that kind of support isn't available out of the box, IMHO. :( Considering the range of other customisation options that will be available in the game, not allowing left-handed gun/saber play is quite an oversight.


Let's hope a mod crew wants to take this on board...but somehow I don't think they'll consider it important enough.


Thanks for the update. :thumbsup:

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