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monkey island merchandise


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Hooray for Jeff!! Thanks for buying on my shop. You are great!


We want a photo of THAT Day of the Tentacle t-shirt to spread the tentaclemania all over the world!


Don Robot t-shirts are so tough that doesn't need to be ironed! :thmbup1:


PS.: I'm still thinking in new Monkey Island t-shirts...

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I haven't worn it yet, it came compressed in the shape of a root beer bottle when I got it. :p

Haha, awesome.


The DOTT one looks great! Especially on you, Jeff. Hey, listen, umm... I was wondering... would you, like... maybe wanna um... I mean... like... go out for a coffee some time? I mean it's cool if you don't want to... like, whatever... I mean.. I do want you to, don't get me wrong, it's just... I didn't mean... aw shucks


Also, I'll be getting the purple DOTT one at some point, may or may not post pictures.


Keep the designs coming, Don.

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For the real hard stuff you have to go to the "Dark Web". The media would have you believe it's all drugs, assassinations and dodgy penguin porn on there, but take it from me it's mainly trades in empty Escape From Monkey Island promotional grog bottles.

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