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LMS gametype


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Okay, so as far as I know, the MP gametypes we can expect to see in JA are pretty similar to JK2, with the possible (?) addition of saga games. I think that a great addition would be an LMS (last-man-standing) gametype (when you are killed, you become a spectator until there is one player left, and then the round ends). This gametype is much more realistic :) and makes for some interesting, different tactics, making the game much more like a predator/prey situation than a big huge firefight (well, you could have a big firefight, but the round would end pretty quickly--fun, though, fast and furious). ST: Elite Force had such a gametype, I believe...


An alternative option would be to have an "LMS" option just like "saber only," etc, so that you could have an LMS game in any gametype (CTF, etc), though that could be...dangerous...;)

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I don't like the LMS idea. Especially every-man-for-themself LMS. People would be pissed to kill 5 guys, be shot in the back(the shooters only kill) and lose the round. More exactly, to have the camper with 1 kill be the winner. I would never play it.


I can see it work in a more objective based mode, like CTF.

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LMS could be good, but I prefer the way you can play it in UT, and set a certain number of kills/respawns before you become a spectator. So, give everyone all weapons and 10 lives to begin with, for example, and once you've lost your last life you're out of the game. I also think the maps for this sort of thing need to be fast-flowing, with no really wide open areas or camper spots.

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Just some simple objective based gameplay would be a bonus - taking points on the map etc..


I'd also like to see a greater emphasis on realistic duels. This is more of a general thing, not so specific to MP, but still they should think about it more. Watch any of the major duels in the films and you'll see Jedi using the environment around them during combat. Being able to pick objects up, throw them at your opponent - perhaps forcing them off a ledge, then they could grab onto the side, haul themselves back up and kick the opponent in the face. Just being able to seemlessly move about and interact with your surroundings would be a great bonus, and get you more into the role of being a Jedi.


I think that would really spice up multiplayer, or am I just dreaming?

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Originally posted by StormHammer

LMS could be good, but I prefer the way you can play it in UT, and set a certain number of kills/respawns before you become a spectator. So, give everyone all weapons and 10 lives to begin with, for example, and once you've lost your last life you're out of the game. I also think the maps for this sort of thing need to be fast-flowing, with no really wide open areas or camper spots.



if i were to play this gametype this is the way id wanna play it

you would get much more action out of it than just dying once and waiting

maybe for this game type you can disable the sniper rifle or something


the only thing i can see that would go really wrong would be if the last two ppl decided they want to piss ppl off and not fight

that could really start ****

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Even if the game doesnt allow LMS on it's own... It's quite moddable. RenegadeOfPhunk's Movie Battles mod is quite fun and allows that besdies a cool class system.


I say it should be included... but if it isnt... I know a mod is possible so i can be quite at ease with this matter.

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Originally posted by Iblis Reborn

the only thing i can see that would go really wrong would be if the last two ppl decided they want to piss ppl off and not fight

that could really start ****


Well, then it would be up to the Admin to kick them. And I'd go further and say that the last one to be killed should get credit among the rest of the players for winning the game in that particular instance.

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