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Console Command for turning Sabers off?


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Hey folks,

Is there a console command for disabling sabers so you can have guns-only matches in MP?


Obviously you can pre-arrange a guns-only fight with mates, but if there are bots in the game they automatically whip the sabers out.


Just wondered if there was a quick way of doing this?


Cheers, B.

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I think is something like g_forcePowerDisable or something, I'm gonna search and edit the post if no-one has posted when I find it, but the same way you disable lightning or heal, or any power you can disable Saber Attack and it gives stun batton to everyone.


***edit*** the console command is "forcetoggle 15", in order to work the server must have weapons enabled, when activated will display the message "g_ForcePowerDisable XXXXXX, if you remember the numbers you will be able to desactivate the saber with that command.

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Originally posted by Master_Payne

The console command is "forcetoggle 15", in order to work the server must have weapons enabled, when activated will display the message "g_ForcePowerDisable XXXXXX, if you remember the numbers you will be able to desactivate the saber with that command.


Cool, Cheers Payne. :D I did that, got the 5 digit number, everything cool. Only; what's the command to disable the sabers now I've got that code?



B. :D

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The number for the saber is 15 forcetoggle 15, type it once and saber is disabled, twice and its available again, I'm gonna do a little resarch and post all variables.






0 = Heal 5 = Mind Trick 10 = Absorb

1 = Jump 6 = Grip 11 = Team Heal

2 = Speed 7 = Lightning 12 = Team Energize

3 = Push 8 = Dark Rage 13 = Drain

4 = Pull 9 = Protect 14 = Seeing


For saber type the following variables


16 = Saber Offence 17 = Saber Defense 18 = Saber Throw


Turning Offence off will gives everyone the stun batton.

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You need to disable offence before joining the game, must set with weapons or it will not work, if you still have the saber type map_restart or call a vote to restart the map.


*edit* just tried with bots and seems they are unaffected by this settings, bots still have full force and saber when you disable all...

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Pants :(


It ain't workin mate! It says it's all been disabled, but there are still sabers, for everyone :(


I've got weapons enabled, but it just doesn't seem to be kicking in. Bummer.


Anyways, I gotta get some shuteye now, up at 5; so I'll re-try it tomorrow.


Cheers for your help anyway fella!


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Okey dokeys,

I had a bit of grief to start off with, but got it working.

After typing the command in, I got the message:

g_WeaponDisable wil be changed upon restarting.

Server: g_WeaponDisable changed to 0

Apparently, this meant restarting the machine, as I tried re-starting the map and the program and these didn't seem to work.


Next dumb question... how do I turn them back on again? :p Only g_WeaponEnable isn't recognised as a command.


Thanks for your patience :D


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Originally posted by BLaCKouT_1138

Pants :(


It ain't workin mate! It says it's all been disabled, but there are still sabers, for everyone :(


I've got weapons enabled, but it just doesn't seem to be kicking in. Bummer.


Anyways, I gotta get some shuteye now, up at 5; so I'll re-try it tomorrow.


Cheers for your help anyway fella!



Get JediRunner, have it make you a config file.

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