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Availability...Winter 2003?!

Toa Tahu

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

when did they put it back to fall


Some time in the last 48 hours. Either they're having a glitch with their site (which they've had in the past), or they've spoken to Raven who must have assured them they could make the deadline. :eek:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Curiouser and curiouser. Perhaps the Raven Devs are using Force Speed after all... :eyeraise:


Originally posted by GhostLotus


Is it indeed possible.....we've been MINDTRICKED????!!!


Well, what do you think? George Lucas had to have some inspiration for the force ;). In ANH, the force wasn't clear. Once he had a larger company, and watching his employees, he must have realized what made Lucasarts such a wonderful company.


Come Ep5, he new what the force was.


It was the special powers the devs tap into to make themselves more efficient (or make it look like they were more efficient (mindtrick). The powers of the dark side are from how he punishes those who are incompetant, or slack.



From the board of Lucasfilm ltd.


I just had to do a disclaimer. lol


Maybe, they just want to tear at our patience until we're screaming for it and then release it early so sales will thrive. Then, they decided that as too sneaky and would make us, their loyal community, mad.

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well i never got the whole doubel kyel bugs, or the lando does not move one, yeah for me. but one thing though, with this whole pushing back, moving fowared thing, its LEC alright, there toying with our emotions, they know this game is the most highly antisapated{spelling, whoe} so they play yo yo, pull it back, or hopes and dreams go with it, they pull it forword, we rejoice, take a national holiday!! then they pull it back, we go insain, crazy, kill our kats, in the antisapation, then, right before it's suposed to come out


BAM! they push it forward, early realese date, we rush to the stores, cry and push our way through the lines, buy it, sales rocket through the roof!!!!! and we live our happy meaningless life. The End

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Originally posted by Toa Tahu

Whatever it is,we all do hope that Raven would do their best to bring out a balanced game out of JK:JA.Do not dissappoint the multiplayer section.


I totally agree. They need to find the balance in the Force. :D


Originally posted by Leemu Taos

Sadly, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it got pushed back again.


[Oddball voice]Don't keep hitting me with those negative waves, man.[/Oddball voice] :tsk:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

[Oddball voice]Don't keep hitting me with those negative waves, man.[/Oddball voice] :tsk:


LOL - It's not being negative Stormy, it's just me preparing for the worst. So that if/when it happens, I'm not surprised. Understand my logic? ;)

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Originally posted by Leemu Taos

LOL - It's not being negative Stormy, it's just me preparing for the worst. So that if/when it happens, I'm not surprised. Understand my logic? ;)


I understand perfectly. :) Just yanking your chain. Besides...I wanted to use that quote, somewhere. :D;)


At least they're not pulling a DNF on us, and saying...'It's done when it's done'. Yeah...riiiight. Keep taking the dried frog tablets, 3DR...

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I don't care about the release date (well, it better reasonable . . . not like half of a century from now) as long as they take the time to make JA the best game that it can be. Push that good ole' Q3TA engine to its limits!


Btw taekwondo joe learn how to spell. No offense but it was getting bad. Real bad.

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