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Adobe Acrobat documents

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I'm close to finishing my Star Wars: Dawning rulebook. Problem is, with all the illustrations, mostly eye-candy, that I'm putting into it, it's close to 30MB big (a bit big for a 20-page document). So I'm thinking about converting the WORD document to something smaller. Same goes for the ship library. I would like to put more illustrations and maybe some ship pics in there, but if the file becomes to big when I do I won't be able to.


If I can't find a way to compress the document (zipping shrinks it, but not enough), I'll have to remove a ton of pics from the rulebook and lower the detail of the remaining ones from BMP to JPG, which I don't want to do for obvious reasons.


Do anyone know of a document format that can store pictures as part of them without taking up too much space? I've heard Acrobat documents do, is this right? In that case, how can I convert a .DOC document to a .PDF document?


Come on, reply and help make Dawning happen :)!

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Did you do it in Illustrator 10? Just export the document as a .pdf file and everyone will be able to read it.

Well, I saved the pics as 24bit BMP files and pasted them into the word document.


Just export the document as a .pdf file and everyone will be able to read it.

I'll try. Will that decrease the file size, though? 'Cause that's kind of my main objective here.

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Not entirely sure of your version, but my version of word (Word 2000) has the ability to convert a word file to a .pdf file. I think it has this program called "Adobe PDFMaker for Word"


I've never really tried it before, but I just did an experimentation file with some text and a rather large picture and the word file came out to be 464 Kb, and the PDF file was only 64 Kb :eek:


So we're talkin' more than a 7:1 ratio change...perhaps it won't be the same, but it seems worthit. Might change 30 mb to 5-10...

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