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Burned out character wounds?


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*shrug* I'm not going to think they're scorchmarks untill Raven tells us that such a feature has been put into the game. And besides, with some places that those "marks" are, the subject should at the very least be rolling over the floor in pain, let alone still be alive >.> I mean come on , that dark fella in the middle of that pic has those "marks" all over his body, he should be in a hospital about now. Not to mention, one scratch one his arm and leg seemed to be enough to put even master Kenobi out of comission in Ep. II @_@ (on a final note, ever seen a saber burn mark glow longer than say... 3 seconds in one of the movies? if there really would be a damage showing system in JA, they should quickly fade into black marks)

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It should be easy with their improvements, and it looks like they already have it.


Hopefully the damage and corpses will be perminant this time around. Especially with a ragdoll skelaton and possibly physics system, limp corpses will look good. They won't have to hide the poor clipping and cheesiness of a dead body hovering over a cliff.

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After seeing the previus pic by StormHammer I wondered how can stay in feet with so many wounds and I hope it can be turned of like "wallmarks" in JO because I think it will drop the FPS and I already play JO very, very low and with 20-24 FPS (I need a 64mb video card at least)

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Originally posted by Master_Payne

After seeing the previus pic by StormHammer I wondered how can stay in feet with so many wounds and I hope it can be turned of like "wallmarks" in JO because I think it will drop the FPS and I already play JO very, very low and with 20-24 FPS (I need a 64mb video card at least)


I don't know. Maybe they're glancing blows, i.e., flesh wounds? Maybe the guy only has 1 hit point left? *shrugs* Anyway, if realistic saber combat is still in there (even as a cheat) it will be academic for me. I'll be turning it on and watching the limbs fly... :D

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Only problem, StormHammer, is that using that saber cheat amplifies saber damage by many fold. You're better off with g_dismemberProbabilities 0. JA will probably have something more advanced though.


And yes, I did say zero.

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Originally posted by Emon

Only problem, StormHammer, is that using that saber cheat amplifies saber damage by many fold. You're better off with g_dismemberProbabilities 0. JA will probably have something more advanced though.


And yes, I did say zero.


Thanks for the reminder. I remember you posting that before. ;)

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Something makes me doubt that they would have put in proper pain textures.


-1-If they use the same system from JKII (likely) the damage would show up in some arbitrary spot like dismember does now


-2- Considering that there was no blood in JKII and that George Lucas is phasing out the gore in his movies, it just seems unlikely to me.


Nevertheless, proper damage graphics would make any SW game far more "true" to the universe.


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Originally posted by Solbe M'ko

-1-If they use the same system from JKII (likely) the damage would show up in some arbitrary spot like dismember does now


-2- Considering that there was no blood in JKII and that George Lucas is phasing out the gore in his movies, it just seems unlikely to me.

1. they've improved the ghoul, and from what we've seen in sof2, damage decals are a reality.


2. phasing out gore? attack of the clones had the most dismemberment. :p

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Yeah, rarely do you see blood with a lightsaber wound. You're cutting through so many veins and arteries it's impossible for the thin cauterization to hold back that pressure.


Then of course there's the inconsistancy in ANH with the blood in the cantina, which fanboys like to explain as "an alien with high blood pressure". :rolleyes:

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Ok, i'll admit I shouldn't have said there was less gore in the new movies. What I meant was that there was a less dark atmosphere. Besides, the constant action in AotC really made it hard to pay attention to stuff like that, for me anyway.


-PS- What's the deal with the Hydralisk in the colosium? Was that just a coincidence?

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I agree that is is different, but I can't help but think that that was an intentional addition. At one part it shows this angle where the sun is behind the creature and it looks almost EXACTLY like the opening cutscene from broodwar. It's this kind of garbage that turned me off to the new movies in the first place (that and the infamous N*Sync rumor!). But that's just my opinion.


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That's true. Too bad it had too get mixed up with poor acting, shameful new characters, and a general lack of class. Nevertheless, I'm still going to pay top dollar to see the next one.


-PS-My favorite new character would have to be Kit Fisto. He's so funny!

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Well, the problems with the PT is a totally different subject. If you want to get into it, start a new thread in the swamp and link us to it from here.


I think a lot of it comes down to where they're putting their efforts into. GL is putting a LOT of work into doing CGI stuff but not enough on production stuff like quality acting and editing.

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Anyone remembers how long before the release of JO a moviewas released? I can remember only one movie being released (it started with the imperial march)... I don't think LEC will release a movie a lot earlier than with JO! Maybe some new screens tho...

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*looks around*


Hmmm...this thread appears to have gone off the rails.


*places thread firmly back on track*


There you go.


Anyone else want to add anything more about pain-skins for JA? :)


I'm still sure those red marks are saber damage. I would assume they will implement the same kind of damage for other weapons. What do you think? Is it saber-only?

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Uh, to correct everyone out there, pain skins are not what we're probably seeing in those screenies.


"Pain skins" are where the model skin switches based on the character's health level/damage. Pain skins only show generic damage instead of hit based damage.

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Originally posted by razorace

Uh, to correct everyone out there, pain skins are not what we're probably seeing in those screenies.

yeah, people... they're decals!


anyway, if they don't have blaster wounds, i'll be slightly disappointed.

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